Democrats: Any SCOTUS Nominee Will Be “Fundamentally Illegitimate”

Democrats: Any SCOTUS Nominee Will Be “Fundamentally Illegitimate”

“Fundamentally Illegitimate” is the rallying cry now. It doesn’t matter who the nominee is, the Democrats have their narrative and will be following it to the letter over the next few days and weeks.

Kavanaugh Reinforces GOP Woman Hating Concept

Kavanaugh Reinforces GOP Woman Hating Concept

Apparently, it is a given that the Grand Old Party is a closed party of angry white men. These men hate women, people of color, all immigration…

Chuck Schumer Warns Trump SCOTUS Pick Will Force Women To Make Sammies

Chuck Schumer Warns Trump SCOTUS Pick Will Force Women To Make Sammies

It’s difficult to come up with new ways to say how crazy the Demonrats have gone over the fact that President Donald Trump is getting to pick…

New York Times Editors Want Dems to Go Full Godfather on the GOP. [VIDEO]

New York Times Editors Want Dems to Go Full Godfather on the GOP. [VIDEO]

If you’re a Republican Senator, you’d better not go fishing with any of your Democrat friends. Especially if the friend’s name is Al and he reads the…

#SCOTUS: Trump Chooses Constitutional Originalist Neil Gorsuch For Supreme Court [VIDEO]

#SCOTUS: Trump Chooses Constitutional Originalist Neil Gorsuch For Supreme Court [VIDEO]

We’ve written many times about how crucial Trump’s choices will be in regards to the sanctity of this Republic, and who he chooses for the Supreme Court…

Obama’s Fox News Sunday Interview: Obamacare, Terrorism, Hillary, And Golf! [Video]

Obama’s Fox News Sunday Interview: Obamacare, Terrorism, Hillary, And Golf! [Video]

Fox News Sunday landed quite the guest for the show this morning. It took some doing though… 8 years worth of persistence. So how did Chris Wallace…

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Ava Gardner