Bristol Palin to appear on Dancing With The Stars?

Um… OK. Is this some kind of Levi Johnston payback or something? Levi will struggle with some lame reality show that no one watches, while Bristol looks…

Upset In Alaska: Miller Defeats Murkowski?

The media narrative was that Joe Miller was a long shot candidate. Lisa Murkowski was ahead in the polls. She outspent him and outpolled him. Not many…

EMILY’s List Ewoks Get An Epic Fail-Sarah Palin Wins Again!

EMILY’s List Ewoks Get An Epic Fail-Sarah Palin Wins Again!

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: Sarah Palin has had the femisogynists hopping over the past year. The media tried to destroy her in 2008 and failed….

8 Ways Fascist Feminists Are Ruining America’s Women

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: American women have some of the best lives in the world. We can literally do whatever we want. American women can…

NOW VP To Sarah Palin and Conservative Women: Stop Being So Empowered, Darn It!

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: The femisogynists just cannot let Sarah Palin go. Ever since she came out of the closet as a feminist, their heads…

Fascist Feminism: The Idea That Women Are Too Stupid To Think For Themselves

Originally posted at Newsreal: Amanda Marcotte About a month ago, Sarah Palin had the gall to describe herself as a feminist. Then, a crop of Republican women…

Nikki Haley wins the SC runoff; UPDATE: Bob Inglis bites the dust

All of the slut-shaming and the mud-slinging didn’t work. South Carolina voters showed today that they’re tired of the dirty politics in their state, and that they’re…

Fascist feminism strikes again: victorious conservative women are “a blow to feminism”

One would think that feminists would rejoice to see women victorious in political elections. But today’s feminism is not after equality; the movement has been hijacked by…

Why Feminists Should Be Happy That Sarah Palin is Calling Herself One of Them

My latest post from Newsreal: Last week, I noted the hypocrisy of Jessica Valenti and the feminist Left in their outrage at Sarah Palin labeling herself a…

Could this be any creepier? Joe McGinniss STALKS Sarah Palin!

When I read this, my heart absolutely lurched. Couldn’t this be considered stalking? Spring has sprung in Alaska, and with this beautiful season comes the news today…

Sarah Palin Brings Out the Hypocrisy of Jessica Valenti & the Feminist Left

My inaugural post at David Horowitz’ Newsreal: Sarah Palin is the feminist Left’s favorite target. It seems strange to anyone not entrenched in a radical, extremist feminist…

man throws tomatoes at sarah palin, hits cop instead

file this in the ‘dumb liberals’ file… A man was arrested for throwing tomatoes at Sarah Palin during her book signing on Monday at the Mall of…

sarah palin’s going on oprah

i’m not sure what to make of sarah palin giving her first interview for her new book to oprah winfrey. it was oprah after all who gave…

michele bachmann’s stalkers have tv shows

michele bachmann’s stalkers have tv shows

conservative women tend to be very happy women. we embrace the principles of individualism and self-reliance as opposed to the left’s concept of group think. besides being…

sarah palin is a ‘broad’ (open talk)

by now, we’re all pretty use to the way the mainstream media and other cretins describe sarah palin — it’s usually less then fawning. there was letterman’s…

ted nugent republicans: sarah palin, ron paul

maybe its a bad reaction i am having to the puffery of mike huckabee after his straw poll win at the values voters summit but…what do ron…

palin trumps obama again on healthcare reform

in a few hours The One is going to stand before a joint session of congress, trying yet again, to sell a fundamentally-flawed, fiscally irresponsible and a…

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Ava Gardner