“Casual cruelty” of Sarah Huckabee Sanders Dig At Kamala Harris

“Casual cruelty” of Sarah Huckabee Sanders Dig At Kamala Harris

On Tuesday night, Sarah Huckabee Sanders moderated an event for former President Donald Trump. Just prior to the start of the event, Governor Sanders made a comment about being kept humble by her children. This is being reported as a dig at Vice President Harris for not having children and is being called “casual cruelty” by Nicolle Wallace. Touchy touchy. These Lefty Looney women hear what they want to hear.

Arkansas Message To Joe Biden: We Will Not Comply

Arkansas Message To Joe Biden: We Will Not Comply

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders sent a loud and clear message to Joe Biden – Arkansas will not comply with the federal government’s Title IX new regulation….

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Biden Admin Is Doubling Down On Crazy

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Biden Admin Is Doubling Down On Crazy

She’s not wrong. Every time one scintilla of common sense in the government shows up, the Biden Administration doubles down on the crazy. And we were definitely…

Arkansas Governor Is Next Target For Sarah Sanders

Arkansas Governor Is Next Target For Sarah Sanders

It’s official – Arkansas might get another Governor Huckabee… Huckabee Sanders, that is.

It’s The Jim Acosta Show! [VIDEO]

It’s The Jim Acosta Show! [VIDEO]

Jim Acosta of CNN is sad. No one at the Trump rallies seems to like him or his network. And when they yell at him during a…

The Opening Of The Social Civil War [VIDEO]

The Opening Of The Social Civil War [VIDEO]

The lines have been drawn, and this is not going to end well. Over the weekend, the positive glee of many people on the left who were…

Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin SNL Skit Misses Funny Bigly

Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin SNL Skit Misses Funny Bigly

Remember when Saturday Night Live used to try for funny. Dan Akryod’s Bass-o-matic, John Belushi’s cheeseburger, any time Peyton Manning hosts (I’m partial). I know SNL hasn’t…

MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace Wanted to Choke Sarah Huckabee Sanders. [VIDEO]

MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace Wanted to Choke Sarah Huckabee Sanders. [VIDEO]

Conventional wisdom among the media says that anyone associated with President Trump must be like Trump himself: rude, crude, and unacceptable. It also says that media are…

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Vs. The Media [VIDEO]

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Vs. The Media [VIDEO]

Let’s all agree to the caveat that the job of White House press secretary requires putting the best spin possible on whatever the day’s news is, in…

Five Tweets That Did Not Age Well In 2017

Five Tweets That Did Not Age Well In 2017

Ah, Twitter. What would we do without knowing the instant and unfiltered reaction of every single person with itchy fingers and wi-fi at the ready?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Not Liberal Idea of Beautiful and Well-Spoken

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Not Liberal Idea of Beautiful and Well-Spoken

We are told on a hourly basis how Republicans, Conservatives and those to the right of Barney the purple dinosaur are vile, creeping critters who want children…

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Ava Gardner