Two days after Fox News gave Tucker Carlson the boot, he appeared in a video on Twitter. It was short, contained the usual Carlson rhetoric, but was rather cryptic in content.
The news that we were all expecting was coming broke this morning. Rush Limbaugh, the giant of conservative talk radio, lost his battle with lung cancer at…
Call it, the Age of Rush or the Age of Limbaugh. Either way – from irrelevant academics, to absurd think tank fellows, to has-been writers in blogs…
At first Whoopi Goldberg and the gals of “The View” expressed sympathy when Rush Limbaugh announced his cancer. But that was before President Trump awarded Limbaugh the Medal…
President Donald Trump gave his third State of the Union Address. It was an historic moment. The first time an impeached President gave the SOTU on the…
Holy swirling winds, Batman. The known world and the Victory Girls are torn asunder over whether or not Rush Limbaugh called the prediction of Hurricane Irma fake…
Multiple sources are reporting that Fox News creator and former CEO Roger Ailes has died at age 77. He died just three days after turning 77. Mr….
Just when you think butthurt millennials can’t get more ridiculous about the Trump election, they manage to top their hysterics. Here’s the latest iteration. A safety pin….
Rush Limbaugh coined the term “drive-by media”. An editorial in the New York Times today by Charles M. Blow proves the truth of Mr. Limbaugh’s term. According…
As a Kansan, I’m rather amused at some postmortems on the Kansas primaries, coming from non-Kansans who probably view the state as little more than the totally flat…
The Republican and Democrat Conventions are finally and mercifully over. Two weeks of that malarkey. Two whole, freaking weeks. For the love of all that is Holy,…
We conservatives tend to pride ourselves on being voices of common sense, restraint, and adherence to law. Yet there are those among us who just need to…
You know how Trump keeps complaining about how he’s being cheated out of the nomination? That he’s being denied what, in his pathetic little mind, is rightfully…
This afternoon, writers Sophia Rosenbaum and Laura Italiano of the New York Post put up an article that should sicken every man, woman and child on Planet…
There is a reason for good cheer in the beleaguered town of Ferguson, Missouri, this Thanksgiving, and it’s all due to the kindhearted spirit of the American…
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