Another Hail Mary Pass As Obama Appointed Judge Blocks Enforcement of TX Abortion Law

Another Hail Mary Pass As Obama Appointed Judge Blocks Enforcement of TX Abortion Law

As news junkies in America press refresh on their preferred “news” outlet, a flurry of headlines, mostly saying the exact same thing, breathlessly report that a federal…

Texas Pro-Life Law Stands, Left Begins Meltdown

Texas Pro-Life Law Stands, Left Begins Meltdown

If you listen to the left this morning, via Twitter or other media, the end of the world has come, and Armageddon began in Texas.

Mississippi Puts Roe v. Wade Before SCOTUS Again

Mississippi Puts Roe v. Wade Before SCOTUS Again

Thanks to the challenge by the Mississippi attorney general, the Supreme Court has the chance to look critically once again at their Roe v. Wade ruling.

Fear-Mongering: Trump Vs Democrats

Fear-Mongering: Trump Vs Democrats

Fear-mongering is the media’s word of the day. If you follow along and buy what they peddle, you will believe that President Trump is doing everything in…

Round Two: Amy Coney Barrett Vs Feinstein

Round Two: Amy Coney Barrett Vs Feinstein

Round Two! This morning Amy Coney Barrett once again took questions from Senator Diane Feinstein. 

Chuck Schumer Defends Abortion, Says SCOTUS Will “Pay The Price”

Chuck Schumer Defends Abortion, Says SCOTUS Will “Pay The Price”

Chuck Schumer and Ilhan Omar vigorously defended the evil that is abortion today. They did so by threatening SCOTUS and calling them sexual predators.

The ACLU Gives Christine Blasey Ford An Award For Lying

The ACLU Gives Christine Blasey Ford An Award For Lying

The ACLU, in its infinite wisdom, decided to give Christine Blasey Ford an award for courage lying. It seems that her lies and smears of Justice Brett…

The Real Reasons Dem POTUS Candidates Want Justice Kavanaugh Impeached

The Real Reasons Dem POTUS Candidates Want Justice Kavanaugh Impeached

They did everything they could to keep him off the bench. First, Dianne Feinstein lobbed a grenade into the confirmation hearings with sexual assault allegations against a…

NY Times: Leading the Abortion Charge

NY Times: Leading the Abortion Charge

They New York Times goes all in on their support for killing unborn babies. A recent Op-Ed by a late term abortion provider about the “dangers” of…

ACLU “American Children’s Lives – Unworthy”

ACLU “American Children’s Lives – Unworthy”

The ACLU is suing to protect the rights of women…. To kill their unborn babies. Recent state bills in Kentucky, and a handful of other states, have…

Andrew Cuomo And Hillary Clinton Push NY Bill That Will Legalize ALL Abortion

Andrew Cuomo And Hillary Clinton Push NY Bill That Will Legalize ALL Abortion

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Hillary Clinton joined forces this morning to hype his “Reproductive Justice” bill. What is this bill you ask? This bill will…

Justice Kavanaugh Sides with RBG and Crew on Case Involving Planned Parenthood

Justice Kavanaugh Sides with RBG and Crew on Case Involving Planned Parenthood

You might remember that thing that happened a few months ago. It involved multiple women accusing a certain Supreme Court Justice nominee **cough Brett Kavanaugh** of everything…

The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing Is A Three-Ring Circus [VIDEO]

The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing Is A Three-Ring Circus [VIDEO]

The confirmation hearing today for Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States has been every bit of the circus many of us thought…

Cory Booker’s Unhinged Screed Against “Evil” Judge Kavanaugh. [VIDEO]

Cory Booker’s Unhinged Screed Against “Evil” Judge Kavanaugh. [VIDEO]

Senator Cory Booker is running for President in 2020. Oh wait, did he announce? Well, not exactly. But his unhinged screed opposing Judge Brett Kavanaugh was sheer…

Michelle Wolf Does the Abortion Limbo. [VIDEO]

Michelle Wolf Does the Abortion Limbo. [VIDEO]

You remember how the Limbo Dance goes, don’t you? It’s when a limbo dancer bends backwards to shimmy under a pole that’s set low to the ground….

#ScotusPick: President Trump Chooses Brett Kavanaugh As Nominee [VIDEO]

#ScotusPick: President Trump Chooses Brett Kavanaugh As Nominee [VIDEO]

No sooner had Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement than the panic, caterwauling and pearl clutching ramped up to absurd heights in about a nanosecond. The Democrats’…

NY Times Begs Senators Collins And Murkowski To Defect Because Trump And Roe V Wade [VIDEO]

NY Times Begs Senators Collins And Murkowski To Defect Because Trump And Roe V Wade [VIDEO]

The caterwauling over the potential picks for Supreme Court reached ear-splitting levels in about .023 seconds. Not only do we have the ZOMG! Roe v Wade is…

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Ava Gardner