Texas Governor Rick Perry Indicted Over Veto Threat

Texas Governor Rick Perry Indicted Over Veto Threat

Surprising news out of Texas: Governor Rick Perry has been formally indicted by a grand jury for an alleged abuse of power involving a state official who…

Governor Perry Deploying Up to 1,000 National Guard Troops to Texas Border

Governor Perry Deploying Up to 1,000 National Guard Troops to Texas Border

In a move displaying what true, decisive leadership ought to look like—are you paying attention, Barack Obama?—Governor Rick Perry has announced he’s deploying up to 1,000 of…

La Raza Attempts to Intimidate Murrieta Illegal Immigration Protesters

La Raza Attempts to Intimidate Murrieta Illegal Immigration Protesters

In a scene reminiscent of the Pennsylvania polling places during the 2008 presidential election, La Raza activists spent their late Monday afternoon attempting to intimidate illegal immigration…

Border Chaos: Obama Makes A Phone Call

The crisis at the southern border is only getting worse and more complicated, as some official pictures from the detention centers have been released (through pool photographers…

Rick Perry, the man who SHOULD be President, at CPAC STL 2013 and Weekend Links!

Rick Perry, the man who SHOULD be President, at CPAC STL 2013 and Weekend Links!

Yeah. Rick Perry rocked the house at CPAC STL 2013. Governor Rick Perry, CPAC St. Louis, 2013 Washington is definitely broken and has been for a very…

Women Deserve Rights, Not Abortions

After the drama of special sessions, questionable remarks from Rick Perry, an 11-hour filibuster and a lot of shudder-inducing coat hangers, Texas is poised to pass a…

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Ava Gardner