South Park Might Get Sued By Publicity Hounds Harry And Meghan

South Park Might Get Sued By Publicity Hounds Harry And Meghan

South Park hilariously trolled Harry and Meghan on last week’s episode titled “The Worldwide Privacy Tour.” 

Harry And Meghan Publicly Whine About Their Privileged Life

Harry And Meghan Publicly Whine About Their Privileged Life

UPDATED: Harry and Meghan are public whiners. They have a very privileged life, yet all they do is whine about how the public and media are oh…

#Grammys: Singer Joy Villa Wears ‘Make America Great Trump’ Dress, Liberals Freak! [VIDEO]

#Grammys: Singer Joy Villa Wears ‘Make America Great Trump’ Dress, Liberals Freak! [VIDEO]

I’ll admit it. I’m not watching the Grammy Awards this year. Then again, I haven’t watched the Grammy Awards in like…ever. That said, I do peek in…

Nina Pham Plans on Suing Hospital After Contracting Ebola

Nina Pham, who was one of two nurses who contracted Ebola from Thomas Eric Duncan, has announced that she will be suing her employer, Texas Health Presbyterian…

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Ava Gardner