Las Vegas Cybertruck Bomber: A PTSD-Driven Suicide, Or More?

Las Vegas Cybertruck Bomber: A PTSD-Driven Suicide, Or More?

As time goes on, we are learning bits and pieces about Matthew Livelsberger, the man who blew up his rented Cybertruck in Las Vegas in front of the Trump hotel.

LibsofTikTok Fights Back After Taylor Lorenz Hit Piece

LibsofTikTok Fights Back After Taylor Lorenz Hit Piece

LibsofTikTok is fighting back after the Washington Post gleefully published Taylor Lorenz’s garbage hit piece this morning.

PTSD Post Election, A Symptom of TDS

PTSD Post Election, A Symptom of TDS

Columnist, Margaret Carlson of The Daily Beast is the latest casualty to fall victim to the epidemic known as Trump Derangement Syndrome (otherwise known as TDS). We…

No Sarah Palin: PTSD & Obama Are NOT To Blame For Track’s Domestic Violence Problems

No Sarah Palin: PTSD & Obama Are NOT To Blame For Track’s Domestic Violence Problems

Yesterday, while Sarah Palin was enjoying the media spotlight and fawning all over her new best friend Donald Trump; someone else was having a very bad day. Palin’s…

Yes, Chicks on the Right, Dakota Meyer IS Legally Divorced From His First Wife

Earlier this year, the military and conservative communities were thrilled at the news that Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer were engaged.

Fort Hood Part Duh-why a Texas Representative could have prevented it

On Wednesday at Fort Hood, Texas shots rang out once again with our soldiers in the crosshairs. This time three people died and 16 were wounded by…

Early Olympic Preview of “Unbroken” Is Amazing

Early Olympic Preview of “Unbroken” Is Amazing

Amidst all the Olympic coverage, Tom Brokaw narrated a film trailer that got a primetime reveal.  And if you haven’t seen it, you should. The movie, Unbroken,…

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Ava Gardner