Liberal Fires: Time To Put Them Out

Liberal Fires: Time To Put Them Out

As 2024 draws to a close and liberals mourn what is to come, we’ve come across a very poignant write-up about liberal policy in The Wall Street Journal.

It’s Almost Enough to Make You Feel Sorry for AOC … Naw.

It’s Almost Enough to Make You Feel Sorry for AOC … Naw.

The hapless Congresscritter erstwhile bartender, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, is finding out that winning an election is more than photo-ops and tiktok videos. One might actually have to accomplish…

Kamala: Veep, Presidential Nominee and Honorary Sex Worker

Kamala: Veep, Presidential Nominee and Honorary Sex Worker

The media is tripping all over themselves to paint Kamala Harris as the picture-perfect presidential nominee.

Women’s March Ditches #MeToo: Shills For Instead [VIDEO]

Women’s March Ditches #MeToo: Shills For Instead [VIDEO]

Those involved with the Women’s March organization put their hypocrisy regarding the #MeToo movement on full display this week. Why? Well, it seems that #MeToo is convenient…

#BellaBond: Conceived at Occupy Boston, Thrown Out Like Trash

#BellaBond: Conceived at Occupy Boston, Thrown Out Like Trash

My grandson Gus is three years old, about one-and-one-half months older than Bella Bond would have been, had she lived. On his third birthday, June 15th, Gus…

Med Student and Future Millionaire Auctioning Off Her Virginity

Bidding is now over $550,000 I have read and re-read her reasons, explanations, her resume, her “interview” with bidder’s questions, and the comments on her blog. Yes,…

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Ava Gardner