Bill Maher Make Sense Sometimes But He Still Has That Trump Derangement Syndrome

Bill Maher Make Sense Sometimes But He Still Has That Trump Derangement Syndrome

Bill Maher is making the rounds hawking his new book, What This Comedian Said Will Shock You, which I may purchase and read. While some conservatives have taken notice of Maher’s seemingly new view on America’s rapidly and ever-changing weirdness, he’s still unwilling to believe in Donald Trump.

Is AOC Thinking About Running For President In 2024?

Is AOC Thinking About Running For President In 2024?

Nothing is beyond the dreams and the hubris of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez… but would she really run for president in 2024?

#FutureDavidHoggCareer As We See It

#FutureDavidHoggCareer As We See It

When David Hogg’s fifteen minutes are up, we are wondering what careers he will be qualified for. Being a Leftwing human shield does age-out, you know.

Lipinski and the Democrats and why this election matters

Lipinski and the Democrats and why this election matters

Dan Lipinski is a blue dog democrat. That means he is a pro-life fiscally kind of conservative who was targeted by the pro death hard left portion…

NFL Players Memo To Roger Goodell: Declare November As Unity Social Justice Month [VIDEO]

NFL Players Memo To Roger Goodell: Declare November As Unity Social Justice Month [VIDEO]

People around the United States are making their voices heard regarding how each views the kneeling protests by NFL football players during the games on Sunday, and…

Man Buys Movie Ticket To Women-Only Screening Of Wonder Woman, Internet Flips It’s Wig [VIDEO]

Man Buys Movie Ticket To Women-Only Screening Of Wonder Woman, Internet Flips It’s Wig [VIDEO]

How many of our readers watched at least one episode of Wonder Woman? I mean seriously, it was pretty darn cool. Wonder Woman had an invisible plane, a…

Milo Yiannopoulos Destroys Islam After Orlando

Milo Yiannopoulos Destroys Islam After Orlando

Milo Yiannopoulos calls himself the “most fabulous supervillian on the internet”. Supervillian to the progressive left. Super hero is a better descriptor after he absolutely destroyed the…

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Ava Gardner