Democrats Want Palestinian Refugees In The United States

Democrats Want Palestinian Refugees In The United States

Among a multitude of bad ideas born out of performative altruism, this is one of the worst. Sixty-nine Congressional Democrats have sent a letter to the Biden administration asking that the United States admit Palestinian refugees from Gaza.

Jayapal Tries To Avoid Hamas Rapes To Complain About Israel

Jayapal Tries To Avoid Hamas Rapes To Complain About Israel

Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-Seattle Progressives) is essentially the Squad’s den mother, with all the the qualifications to boot.

Jayapal Is An Anti-Semite, Despite Her “Apology”

Jayapal Is An Anti-Semite, Despite Her “Apology”

When your so-called “apology” is longer than the comments that you’re “apologizing” for, then you have done something wrong. Representative Pramila Jayapal is proving that point as…

9/11 Numbers: How Many People Died?

9/11 Numbers: How Many People Died?

As we marked the 21st year since the 9/11 attacks, and mulled over what this day meant to so many, we also noted everyone from sports teams…

Jayapal Presents Excuses To Pay For Votes

Jayapal Presents Excuses To Pay For Votes

As a resident of Washington state, I feel compelled to offer my apologies to the rest of the country for inflicting Pramila Jayapal upon the rest of…

Squad Member Jayapal Accused Israel Of War Crimes

Squad Member Jayapal Accused Israel Of War Crimes

David Friedman, the Ambassador to Israel under President Donald Trump, has a new book “Sledgehammer” coming out on February 8, 2022. In the book, the Ambassador states…

Landing In Italy, Joe Biden’s Presidency In Tatters

Landing In Italy, Joe Biden’s Presidency In Tatters

Joe Biden arrived in Italy at 2:36 a.m. local time with his Presidency (ahem) in tatters. For the second time his infrastructure bill, or framework, was blown…

Joy Reid Drags Senator Tim Scott; He Quotes Bible

Joy Reid Drags Senator Tim Scott; He Quotes Bible

Last week, on her MSNBC program “The Reid Out”, Joy Reid dragged Senator Tim Scott for adding a “patina of diversity” to the Republican party. It was…

Pramila Jayapal Is A Hero In Her Own Mind

Pramila Jayapal Is A Hero In Her Own Mind

Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) proved herself to be an ignorant, ill-mannered, grandstanding jackass yesterday in the House Judiciary Committee. She was rude to a fellow Congresswoman, and…

Former ICE Director Homan Schools Rep. Pramila Jayapal

Former ICE Director Homan Schools Rep. Pramila Jayapal

Yesterday, Thomas Homan, former Director of ICE appeared before the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship. The subcommittee chair is a second term congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, a…

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Ava Gardner