Biden At HBCU Commencement: Anger, Division, And Pandering

Biden At HBCU Commencement: Anger, Division, And Pandering

Once again, Joe let his anger loose. The commencement speech he gave at Howard University yesterday was a master class in anger, division, and pandering.

Beto Campaign Re-boot: State Fairs Are “Frivolous” And Trump Is Bad

Beto Campaign Re-boot: State Fairs Are “Frivolous” And Trump Is Bad

Beto is re-booting his Presidential campaign again. His new NEW theme? Campaign stops at State Fairs are “frivolous” and Trump is Bad!

Dear AOC, The Definition Of Code Switching Is Pandering

Dear AOC, The Definition Of Code Switching Is Pandering

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a speaking gig the other day. She was one of the keynotes at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network conference thingy. It wasn’t enough for…

#SOTU: Democrats Love Dead Kennedys [VIDEO]

#SOTU: Democrats Love Dead Kennedys [VIDEO]

The Democrats desperately need a fresh face to appear on the horizon for them, especially since all their leading candidates are about ready to or are already…

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Ava Gardner