Florida Shootings: Three Dead Including a Child

Florida Shootings: Three Dead Including a Child

During a bizarre shooting spree in Orange County, Florida, a man shot and killed three people. One of the victims was a nine-year-girl, while the others included a woman and a TV news reporter.

Orlando Eats Crow After Fourth Of July Hot Take

Orlando Eats Crow After Fourth Of July Hot Take

Usually, the city of Orlando celebrates the Fourth of July with a fireworks show.

VG at CPAC 2022: Governor Ron DeSantis Slays

VG at CPAC 2022: Governor Ron DeSantis Slays

CPAC 2022 has been a fun, enlightening and very professionally run conference. All the speakers have been passionate and committed. They have been articulate in their Conservative…

Obama’s Exit Interview: Debunking His Claim That He Would’ve Won Handily In 2016 [VIDEOS]

Obama’s Exit Interview: Debunking His Claim That He Would’ve Won Handily In 2016 [VIDEOS]

Obama will exit the White House in January, and that’s a good thing! However President Pen and Phone is doing his best to lecture us about how his progressive…

Berlin Christmas Market Terrorist Killed In Milan Shootout, But Questions Remain [VIDEOS]

Berlin Christmas Market Terrorist Killed In Milan Shootout, But Questions Remain [VIDEOS]

The good news is that the Tunisian terrorist who used a truck to kill 12 and injure over 50 at the Berlin Christmas Market is dead. Very…

Terror Attacks In #Turkey, At Berlin Christmas Market, And Islamic Center In Zurich [VIDEOS]

Terror Attacks In #Turkey, At Berlin Christmas Market, And Islamic Center In Zurich [VIDEOS]

With Christmas fast approaching, it almost seems like any troubles in this world are just fading away. Unfortunately the opposite is true. Today, within hours of each other…

Seddique Mateen, Orlando Terrorist’s Father Has VIP Seat At Hillary Clinton Rally [VIDEO]

Seddique Mateen, Orlando Terrorist’s Father Has VIP Seat At Hillary Clinton Rally [VIDEO]

Face it. The 2016 Presidential campaign season is definitely one for the record books. Just scroll through any and all social media feeds and its easy to…

#RNCinCLE: Trump’s Big Night

#RNCinCLE: Trump’s Big Night

Tonight, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican party, and gave the keynote speech of the night – and really, as the nominee, this is…

Hypocrites: 26 Dems That Held House Hostage Over Gun Control Own Firearms

Hypocrites: 26 Dems That Held House Hostage Over Gun Control Own Firearms

You may recall the staged sit-in by the increasingly authoritarian Old Hippies-now-Democrats last week in an attempt to force a House vote on firearms control, not to…

Gun Nonsense: Old Hippie Dems Stage Gun Control Sit-In on House Floor

Gun Nonsense: Old Hippie Dems Stage Gun Control Sit-In on House Floor

Well, the Old Hippies are at it again: Doing anything and everything to deflect from the utter failure (read: refusal) of the Obama Administration to keep us…

FBI Redactions of Orlando 911Transcript Ignores Reality Of Terrorism Because “Feelings” [VIDEOS]

FBI Redactions of Orlando 911Transcript Ignores Reality Of Terrorism Because “Feelings” [VIDEOS]

This post has been UPDATED below. This morning, Deanna wrote about the twisty winding spin that Attorney General Loretta Lynch attempted concerning the Orlando terrorist. Basically Lynch…

Is Rubio Changing His Mind About The Senate Race? [VIDEO]

Is Rubio Changing His Mind About The Senate Race? [VIDEO]

Marco Rubio repeatedly said, during the primary season, that he would not be running for re-election to his Florida senate seat. Of course, he was hoping to…

CIA Director Gives ISIS War “F” Grade While Obama Lectures On Gun Control [VIDEOS]

CIA Director Gives ISIS War “F” Grade While Obama Lectures On Gun Control [VIDEOS]

In spite of everything the US and others have thrown at them, ISIS is still on the move. Like it or not, that JV team turned Pro is…

Trump Thinks The NRA Makes Gun Laws?

Trump Thinks The NRA Makes Gun Laws?

I watched Donald Trump’s speech on Monday with a mixture of confusion and surprise. Who was this person speaking in Trump’s voice with Trump’s face? In light…

Milo Yiannopoulos Destroys Islam After Orlando

Milo Yiannopoulos Destroys Islam After Orlando

Milo Yiannopoulos calls himself the “most fabulous supervillian on the internet”. Supervillian to the progressive left. Super hero is a better descriptor after he absolutely destroyed the…

Orlando Shooter Worked as Security Guard

Orlando Shooter Worked as Security Guard

The Palm Beach Post has reported and confirmed that the Orlando shooter Omar Mateen worked as a security guard. Yes, folks, you cannot make this stuff up….

Orlando: Obama’s Statement Fails To Mention ISIS [VIDEOS]

Orlando: Obama’s Statement Fails To Mention ISIS [VIDEOS]

The information coming out of this horrific terror attack continues to verify that the terrorist who killed 50 and wounded 53 others at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida…

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Ava Gardner