Dems Vow to Solve the Problems They Usually Ignore

Dems Vow to Solve the Problems They Usually Ignore

Friday’s Democrat debate stage held contestants ready to solve yesterday’s problems.  A time-capsule of topics – reminding voters that Democrats haven’t accomplished much in the last 50 years. Childhood poverty, race relations, and healthcare — Debate 2020 highlights decades of Democrat failures. 

Mayor Pete Fails Constitutional History

Mayor Pete Fails Constitutional History

Mayor Pete Buttigieg is still high in the polls in Iowa, and may very well win that state caucus in February. But to put that in perspective,…

Fight Night Is Finally On At #DemDebate

Fight Night Is Finally On At #DemDebate

Fight! Fight! Fight! Finally, we’re getting an actual debate instead of a dumb kumbaya Democrat lovefest like the previous debates.

Health Equity Is Mayor Pete’s New Spin

Health Equity Is Mayor Pete’s New Spin

Democrats believe that equality of outcomes is the goal of everything in life. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is taking that unrealistic goal into the realm of health care.

South Bend Takes Aim At Mayor Pete

South Bend Takes Aim At Mayor Pete

South Bend, Indiana, is in a lot of turmoil after a police shooting that has many questions to be answered. And those who are the angriest are…

Mayor Pete Has Problems At Home

Mayor Pete Has Problems At Home

Mayor Pete Buttigieg is an elected official with actual duties, and a crisis in South Bend, Indiana, where he actually is supposed to be working, called him…

Mayor Pete Goes On Fox News

Mayor Pete Goes On Fox News

After Bernie Sanders set the trend, Democrat primary hopefuls have begun to appear on Fox News town halls. Enter Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who doth protest quite loudly…

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Ava Gardner