Bush, Obama, Iraq, and The Blame Game

Like all of us, I have watched the television talking heads and have been reading the liberal blogging pundits, Facebook philosophers, and those brave Twitter hashtag warriors worry and…

Meet The New Butcher of Bagdad Who Obama Released Five Years Ago-Abu Bakr al Baghdadi

With all of the recent turmoil surrounding our exit from both Iraq and Afghanistan of late the latest news form Iraq should disgust, but not surprise, every…

Will Baghdad Fall?

Will Baghdad Fall?

The trouble in Iraq has been brewing for months, and the Obama administration chose to ignore it.  As some of my fine colleagues have pointed out, Barack…

Iraqi government collapses in violence – Obama declares June LGBT Pride Month

As I write this beheadings and mass executions are taking place in Iraq.  They are now threatening to invade Jordan and slaughter King Abdullah. In other words, it’s…

The President’s Legacy: A War On Women

The President’s decision to pull out of Afghanistan is about his legacy.  A feather in his cap.  “I ended the war in Afghanistan.”  Damn the consequences.  Those…

The Pathological PPOTUS

When Herr Barry appointed John Kerry (that traitor) to serve under him as Secretary of State, I was more than a smidgeon infuriated and given to hopes…

1 Million Injured in Iraq and Afghanistan: A Milestone Forgotten

Mine will be the most transparent administration in history, he said. It won’t be shady and secretive like the ones before mine (cough*evilboosh*cough), he said. I have…

Contractor Writes the Real Story About “Secret Warriors” in Afghanistan and Iraq

We love the troops here at Victory Girls.  We send them care packages, we write them letters, we volunteer with the wounded, and we just straight up…

Obama and Psy

Obama and Psy

According to Politico, the iWONtwice American Idol president and that creepy anti-American, pro-capitalist, Gangnam style rapper Psy, shared the stage in Washington on Sunday. Puke. The South…

Those Election Consequences Keep Coming:  Allen West Concedes

Those Election Consequences Keep Coming: Allen West Concedes

After two weeks of moronic jackassery by officials in St. Lucie County, Florida, the recount of the vote has left Rep. Allen West over 1900 votes short…

Obama’s big phony speech in thirty minutes and counting; UPDATE: Weak Bush acknowledgement

Obama is set to speak about the end of combat operations in Iraq at 8:00 pm ET, and I’m sure it will be… interesting. The big question…

‘thank you america! and damn you, you bastards!’

so many people like to sound off about how the iraqis were not appreciative to what we did to liberate them. liberal pundits like to focus on…

yay iraq! iraq’s ‘national sovereignty day’

today is ‘national sovereignty day’ in iraq. the US has pulled back from baghdad and other urban areas, leaving iraq’s elected government and its own security forces…

enjoying the fruits of liberty in spite of harry

‘we can’t win. we’ve already lost.’ it’s been two years since the craven harry reid surrendered to al-qaeda, announcing of iraq, ‘this war is lost.’ this is…

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Ava Gardner