No Need For Green: Seattle Cutting Down 500 Trees to Make Room For Surveillance Cameras

Seattle may be one of the most ‘green’ cities in the country, both literally and figuratively.  Unfortunately, it’s also known for two more things: excessive force by…

The Imperial Google: “Do As We Say, Not As We Do”

Here’s another example of liberal uber-wealthy elite hypocrisy.  The Google geeks put 3.4 million miles on their corporate jets – that’s about 100 million pounds of evil…

99% “Environmentalists” watch fossil fuel protest on the Columbia from yachts

I live in Portland, OR so I should (technically) be used to environmentalists who are hypocrites. How are they hypocritical you ask? Well, let’s see many of…

Occupy Rio? Brazil continues to burn as anger at Rousseff’s government spending on 2014 World Cup boils over

If you think that the citizens of the United States are the only ones in the world these days who think their government could use a reality…

Sickening Hypocrisy: Former Terrorist Bernardine Dohrn Smears Tea Partiers As Violent Terrorists

Sickening Hypocrisy: Former Terrorist Bernardine Dohrn Smears Tea Partiers As Violent Terrorists

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: What makes someone a terrorist? According to former terrorist Bernardine Dohrn, planting bombs and attempting to kill Americans doesn’t cut it….

NAACP award recipient indulges in a little racism herself

NAACP award recipient indulges in a little racism herself

The NAACP has been condemning the Tea Party movement as racist. Unsurprising from the organization that labels black conservatives Uncle Toms, when you think about it. But…

Obama flies his dog to Maine in a separate jet? Seriously?

The First Family has taken a little vacation to Maine. Of course, they had to take the family dog, right? Well, our vacationer-in-chief apparently couldn’t fit his…

waterboarding: more hypocrisy from the left

is waterboarding terrorists torture or is it a necessary tool in interrogation used to save lives? i wasn’t going to write on this today but i got…

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Ava Gardner