RFK Jr. And The 75 Plus Nobel Laureates

RFK Jr. And The 75 Plus Nobel Laureates

According to the New York Times and the Progressive group Call To Activism are reporting that more than 75 Nobel Laureates are urging the Senate not to confirm Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in the Trump 2.0 Administration. RFK, Jr. is one of the most well-known and troublesome appointments that Donald Trump has made. The man has a full cargo hold full of baggage. Shouldn’t the President have his pick? Is RFK, Jr. the right person to ask questions and reform the Department?

NIH Leadership Drops the Ball Again

NIH Leadership Drops the Ball Again

Here we go again. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), part of Health and Human Services (HHS), is once again in the news. You’d think in this…

Let’s Blame Everyone Else For Increase in Migrant Child Labor

Let’s Blame Everyone Else For Increase in Migrant Child Labor

Per reports, including two reports in the New York Times, one in February and one this week, there’s been a massive increase in forced child labor of…

Can We Please Stop Hiring Idiots? [VIDEO]

Can We Please Stop Hiring Idiots? [VIDEO]

What if I told you that a senior communications official at a cabinet-level department – an appointed official, no less – publicly accused the French President of…

No, Meals On Wheels Will Not Have To Shut Down If Trump Budget Passes [VIDEO]

No, Meals On Wheels Will Not Have To Shut Down If Trump Budget Passes [VIDEO]

One of the budget items supposedly on the chopping block by the Trump Administration is Meals on Wheels (MOW). Media, Twitter, and Facebook have gone nuts over…

Dental Plans Were Included in Obamacare Totals to Hit Target Goals

What? They deliberately inflated numbers and were less than transparent? Why, this has never happened before regarding Obamacare! Yes, my sarcasm meter is broken again. The Obama…

Obama: Who Is This Jonathan Gruber? He Never Worked For Me – Even Though He Got Paid For It

We are now up to at least six videos illustrating the smug opinions and snobbish attitudes from MIT professor and Obamacare consultant Jonathan Gruber. The fact that…

Hackers Get Into HealthCare.gov Site – Is Anyone Surprised?

If I had a dollar for every time something went wrong with the Obamacare implementation or with HealthCare.gov, I would be a very, very, VERY rich woman….

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Ava Gardner