60 Minutes Loves Them Some German Censorship

60 Minutes Loves Them Some German Censorship

CBS is just producing banger after banger right now. First, Margaret Brennan made a fool of herself. Now, “60 Minutes” is joining in the fun.

College Presidents On Antisemitic Speech: It Depends On “Context”

College Presidents On Antisemitic Speech: It Depends On “Context”

UPDATED: Yesterday, several college Presidents testified in front of Congress. According to all of them, ‘It Depends.’ In other words, context is very necessary before deciding if…

Bill De Blasio Tromps On First Amendment To Protect Illegal Aliens From Bad Words

Bill De Blasio Tromps On First Amendment To Protect Illegal Aliens From Bad Words

When it involves protecting illegal aliens, Bill de Blasio happily tromps all over the First Amendment. Two days ago the New York City Commission on Human Rights…

Mitch’s Timeout and Twitter Bias

Mitch’s Timeout and Twitter Bias

Twitter is again failing to equally apply their user policies. Hateful speech from multiple users is ignored, but a Tweet from Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign results in…

NBC News Thinks Free Speech Should Be Regulated Because Nazis! [VIDEO]

NBC News Thinks Free Speech Should Be Regulated Because Nazis! [VIDEO]

The freedoms we enjoy in this Republic are under attack now more than ever. Case in point, this lovely little gem from NBC News making yet another…

Harriot’s 5 Types Of ‘Becky’ Peddles Racism By Mansplaining White GRRL Privilege

Harriot’s 5 Types Of ‘Becky’ Peddles Racism By Mansplaining White GRRL Privilege

An  article crossed the Victory Girls news feed that caused a collective WTF?!! among us. This is the title of the vomit inducing dreck: The 5 Types…

London Police Chief Is Proud Of The “Diversity” Of Victims [VIDEO]

London Police Chief Is Proud Of The “Diversity” Of Victims [VIDEO]

Brace yourselves, readers, because what you are about to read is the worst kind of political correctness. This is London Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick. In an…

Trump 2016 Chalk Signs Terrify Special Snowflakes at Emory University

Trump 2016 Chalk Signs Terrify Special Snowflakes at Emory University

Free speech has more limitations than we realize. Especially the kind that offers differing opinions which just MIGHT hurt someone’s feeling or trigger a need for safe spaces….

AG Loretta Lynch will prosecute anti-Muslim rhetoric

AG Loretta Lynch will prosecute anti-Muslim rhetoric

It has been three days since the San Bernardino terrorist attack that killed 14 people and injured 21. You might be wondering then, what is high priority…

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Ava Gardner