Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Takes A Non-Stand On Guns

The old saying goes, “When you try to please both sides, no one will be happy.” Welcome to the club, Howard Schultz. The Starbucks CEO wrote an…

NRA T-Shirt Teen, Jared Marcum, Faces Fine and One Year in Jail

The young man at the center of a dispute with a teacher over the NRA t-shirt he wore to school now faces a $500 fine and up…

Will we have to tell our children that we lost our Constitutional Republic?

So am I the only one who has been feeling a little like Lady Liberty is dangling over a cliff, grasping for purchase with her ragged fingernails…

Joshua Welch, age 7, suspended for eating his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun and Weekend Links!

Joshua Welch, age 7, suspended for eating his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun and Weekend Links!

Seriously people? Stop this insanity now. Here’s the story: A 7-year-old Maryland boy was suspended from school for two days for shaping a breakfast pastry into what…

WA State HB 1588

If you think that a state you don’t live in doesn’t affect you with its laws, think again.  To that end, please share and email around this…

Sick of Gun Control Debates? Us Too.

…So here is some information to help you just win them outright, end the illogical “arguments” surrounding the gun control issue, and go on about your day….

Dianne Feinstein Starts the Gun Grab

Apparently Dianne Feinstein learned nothing after getting schooled by a United States Marine. She’s introduced the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013. Obviously, this bans the mythical assault…

The Absolute Idiocy of Liberal Logic, or Why Josh Marshall is a Pansy

John Hawkins has a gem of a piece over at Right Wing News today.  Apparently Josh Marshall (don’t feel bad, I’ve never heard of him either) wrote…

The Death of Confrontational Integrity

I frequently hear people talk about confrontation.  How we deal with confrontation, in fact, is generally considered one of the defining points in someone’s personality.  Does someone…

The Value of a Conspiracy Theory

Americans love a good conspiracy.  It’s in our nature.  For decades, people have debated aliens at Roswell, bullet trajectories at Dealey Plaza, and why those pesky aliens…

The Beginning of a New Era? Or a Return to the Beginning?

Gun control is the big topic right now, and it seems that Democrats have a huge race on to prove who is more interested in the public…

Jason Whitlock: NRA is the New KKK

The Jovan Belcher murder/suicide has given sports pundits open season to attack the Second Amendment, apparently. Bob Costas took the liberty of pontificating during halftime on Sunday…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner