Trump Announces Extradition Of Abbey Gate Terrorist

Trump Announces Extradition Of Abbey Gate Terrorist

Nothing will ever bring back the thirteen American lives lost at Abbey Gate in Kabul, or the hundreds of Afghan lives lost, or the catastrophic injuries to others. But this announcement by President Trump last night carries a small measure of justice.

Media Cover For Kamala After Gold Star Families Smackdown

Media Cover For Kamala After Gold Star Families Smackdown

This entire Arlington National Cemetery story is a media creation that is being continued by the media, in service to the Democrats and Kamala Harris. It’s clear…

Did Arlington Play Politics With Abbey Gate Gold Star Families?

Did Arlington Play Politics With Abbey Gate Gold Star Families?

Something stinks here, and it smells like a cover-up. But not the kind of cover-up you think. As we now know, the media is driving a story…

Gold Star Families Still Have Not Heard From Biden or Harris

Gold Star Families Still Have Not Heard From Biden or Harris

Color me not at all shocked. The Gold Star Families of the thirteen service members killed at Abbey Gate have not been contacted by the meat puppets…

Abbey Gate, Three Years Later – Kamala Should Own Afghanistan

Abbey Gate, Three Years Later – Kamala Should Own Afghanistan

It has been three years since the attack at Abbey Gate during the catastrophic withdrawl from Afghanistan cost the lives of thirteen American servicemembers, killed at least…

At RNC, Gold Star Families Give Roll Call Of Those Lost At Abbey Gate

At RNC, Gold Star Families Give Roll Call Of Those Lost At Abbey Gate

Just mere weeks ago, Joe Biden shamefully claimed that no military lives had been lost under his watch. Tonight, at the RNC Convention, 13 Gold Star families…

Gold Star Families Respond To Joe’s Disgraceful Lies About Troop Deaths

Gold Star Families Respond To Joe’s Disgraceful Lies About Troop Deaths

Biden is claiming that Trump lied about everything during the Thursday night debate. Except that Joe Biden uttered one of THE BIGGEST lies of all.

Jen Psaki Lies About Biden Checking His Watch At Dover In New Book

Jen Psaki Lies About Biden Checking His Watch At Dover In New Book

Jen Psaki is continuing her career as a serial liar and gaslighter. This time it’s in her new book, “Say More” that was recently published. According to…

Steve Nikoui Speaks Up For His Late Son After His SOTU Arrest

Steve Nikoui Speaks Up For His Late Son After His SOTU Arrest

If you watched the entirety of the State of the Union speech last Thursday, you will remember the shouting from the gallery that happened while Joe Biden…

Biden Invokes Beau Again In Gold Star Family Call

Biden Invokes Beau Again In Gold Star Family Call

If we all got a dollar every time Joe Biden lied about the circumstances of his son Beau’s death, we could pay down the national debt.

From The VG Bookshelf: Kabul

From The VG Bookshelf: Kabul

“Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco and the American Warriors Who Fought to the End” by Jerry Dunleavy and James Hasson, is a supremely important book…

Gold Star Families Raw Testimony On Biden’s Callous Indifference

Gold Star Families Raw Testimony On Biden’s Callous Indifference

For two years, we have all known the days of the botched Afghanistan Withdrawal, the suicide bomber at Abbey Gate that killed 13 heroes and wounded many,…

Protect The Biden Brand, Not Gold Star Families, Says The Media

Protect The Biden Brand, Not Gold Star Families, Says The Media

The withdrawl from Afghanistan and the takeover of the country by the Taliban was the true turning point of the Biden administration.

Gold Star Families Demand Answers Over Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

Gold Star Families Demand Answers Over Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

Gold Star families are demanding answers from the Department of Defense and Joe Biden regarding the botched Afghanistan withdrawal that ended with thirteen soldiers killed and many…

Say Their Names: Clarence Thomas At Wreaths Across America

Say Their Names: Clarence Thomas At Wreaths Across America

Wreaths Across America has been remembering and honoring our fallen every December since 1992. This year, as he’s quietly done for so many years, Justice Clarence Thomas…

Hershel Williams: A Hero Has Left Us. Honor Him.

Hershel Williams: A Hero Has Left Us. Honor Him.

America has lost a national treasure: Hershel “Woody” Williams passed away on Wednesday, and America bid farewell to the last surviving Medal of Honor recipient from World War…

Biden: 2nd Amendment Isn’t Absolute

Biden: 2nd Amendment Isn’t Absolute

The 2nd Amendment, nor our Constitution are absolute according to the brilliance that is Joe Biden. That’s quite a message to impart on Memorial Day isn’t it?

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Ava Gardner