Trump Presidential Election Sparks Protests [VIDEO]

Trump Presidential Election Sparks Protests [VIDEO]

Less than 24 hours after Donald Trump won the Presidential Election protests happened in most major United States cities, as reported by USA Today. Even in London,…

#PodestaEmails6: When You Thought Clinton Corruption Couldn’t Get Any Worse [VIDEOS]

#PodestaEmails6: When You Thought Clinton Corruption Couldn’t Get Any Worse [VIDEOS]

In the span of a few days, Wikileaks has publicized 6 different groups of emails between Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta and numerous other people attached…

Happy New Year! Its Time For Your Hillary Emails Latest Hits!

Happy New Year! Its Time For Your Hillary Emails Latest Hits!

Ahh, 2016. You have arrived! There’s just something about the start of a new year that makes one plan changes in attitude, changes in latitude, setting new goals,…

#CutTheCheck:  Ferguson Protestors Promised Payment, Stiffed by Activist Group

#CutTheCheck: Ferguson Protestors Promised Payment, Stiffed by Activist Group

Well, this is an interesting turn of events. Who could forget these scenes from last summer in little Ferguson, Missouri, when rioting erupted after the shooting of…

Gov. Rick Perry turns himself in and gets EPIC mugshot – #LikeABoss

Gov. Rick Perry turns himself in and gets EPIC mugshot – #LikeABoss

He made it clear he’s going to fight.  As he should: Perry said, “I”m here today because I did the right thing. I’m going to enter this…

Left Advances Effort to End Electoral College Role in Presidential Elections

“The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud,…

How George Soros and Marijuana Are Bringing Down America

Whatever you may think about television and radio host Glenn Beck, I have to say that he got it right several years ago when he spoke of…

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Ava Gardner