#SSM: The Silencing of the Opposition Begins

In his dissent from the Supreme Court legalizing same-sex marriage, Justice Samuel Alito warned of ramifications to those who remain conscientiously opposed to such unions: Perhaps recognizing how its…

Piers Morgan: ‘What Would I Do With White People Who Use the N-Word? Jail Them’

Piers Morgan: ‘What Would I Do With White People Who Use the N-Word? Jail Them’

This just in: Piers Morgan, a self-import(ant) from Britain, remains a raging hypocritical loon. I know; that’s a huge newsflash to anyone who’s ever heard his tirades…

#Copenhagen: Shooter Identified

Danish police have now formally identified the man who was killed in a shootout with them on Sunday morning, who they believe was responsible for both the…

Internet Freedom and the Dark Web

Dark Web Contents We cherish our freedom of speech, of the press and to post or click within the bounds of the law (which allows a surprising…

White House Asked Ben Carson To Apologize for Offending Obama

Someone needs to give the Obama White House a primer on a little document called the Constitution.  After Dr. Ben Carson’s highly conservative and controversial message at…

Plymouth High School Bleachers: Whatever Happened to Civil Disobedience?

Plymouth High School Bleachers: Whatever Happened to Civil Disobedience?

Every time I open up the Interwebs, I am greeted by headlines like these: Department of Education Order Plymouth High School to Tear Down Bleachers, And then…

Westboro Baptist Founder Near Death

The Toronto Star is reporting that Fred Phelps, the founder of the “church” everyone loves to hate, is on his deathbed.  Phelps, who began the infamous Westboro…

FreeSpeechMe: Anti-Censorship Anti-Hijacking Free Software

There’s a new project you may be interested in, if you’ve been paying attention.  FreeSpeechMe is a new plugin for Firefox that lets you view Dot-Bit websites. …

The Duck Hunt

By now I’m sure, you have already heard the news regarding A&E’s decision to indefinitely suspend Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson after a candid interview with GQ magazine….

Great Glock Commercial and Weekend Links

Glock. The Free Market and the Second Amendment in one user-friendly package! Of course not everyone sees it that way. The liberals in power work really hard…

Obama’s UN Speech: “Hey, don’t slander the Prophet of Islam”

It’s beyond offensive. An American President actually stood in front of the UN General Assembly and said these words: “The future must not belong to those who…

Democrats Scramble To Exploit the AZ Shooting With Anti-Gun And Anti-Speech Legislation

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: The nation is still reeling after the horrific mass shooting in Arizona this weekend, which left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords fighting for…

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Ava Gardner