Did Obama Censor the French President Over Islamist Terrorism? [VIDEO]

Did Obama Censor the French President Over Islamist Terrorism? [VIDEO]

On Thursday President Obama met with French President François Hollande to discuss ways that the two nations could jointly work to defeat terrorism. But did President Hollande offend…

ISIS Assessment Outlook Grim, While Obama Frets Over The Weather

The think tank Threat Knowledge Group just released a very comprehensive threat analysis of ISIS-related arrests within the United States. And that information is sobering and needs…

Hostages Held in Bamako, Mali, Africa

Hostages Held in Bamako, Mali, Africa

Early Friday morning, gunmen, shouting “Allahu Akbar” or “God is Great” stormed a luxury Radisson Hotel in the capital of Bamako in Mali on the African continent….

Suicide Bomber’s Mother Claims Stress Made Her Son Blow Up

Suicide Bomber’s Mother Claims Stress Made Her Son Blow Up

Denial is apparently alive and well in the Molenbeek neighborhood of Brussels, where Ibrahim Abdeslam’s mother just can’t understand why her son would blow himself up. Even…

Warrant Issued For Paris Terror Suspect

Little by little, we are learning about who the attackers were on November 13th in Paris. French authorities are now actively searching for one man, one of…

France Strikes Back At ISIS

Less than 48 hours after the attacks that killed 129 innocent people in Paris, the French have, for all intents and purposes, declared war on ISIS. Attack…

#ParisAttacks: French President Francois Hollande Makes Statement, “It is a horror…”

#ParisAttacks: French President Francois Hollande Makes Statement, “It is a horror…”

On a day like this, and in the midst of a tragedy of such magnitude, we look around and wonder what has happened to humanity. The sorrow…

#ParisShooting: Dozens Dead, Hostages Taken Following Explosions, Shooting in Multiple Paris Locations

#ParisShooting: Dozens Dead, Hostages Taken Following Explosions, Shooting in Multiple Paris Locations

UPDATES BELOW THE FOLD. Less than a year following the horrific Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack, Paris, France is once again under siege from what looks like a…

#CharlieHebdo Says Au Revior to Mohammad Cartoons

Six months after the deadly attack on their offices, and with the news that another attack was being planned to “celebrate” the one year mark since the…

#Tunisia, France, Kuwait, Somalia Attacked By “Religion Of Peace”

#Tunisia, France, Kuwait, Somalia Attacked By “Religion Of Peace”

This morning a factory in France, operated by Air Products & Chemicals headquartered in Allentown, PA was attacked. The attack occurred at approximately 9:50 a.m. local time…

#AntiSemitism Rising? Targeting of Jews in Europe, Swastikas in United States

#AntiSemitism Rising? Targeting of Jews in Europe, Swastikas in United States

There’s a famous quote that goes something like this: “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Unfortunately, it’s looking more and more like we’ve…

Defying Jihad: #CharlieHebdo Prints 3 Million Copies for Wednesday Edition

Defying Jihad: #CharlieHebdo Prints 3 Million Copies for Wednesday Edition

The staff at Charlie Hebdo will not be silenced. And they’re determined to continue publishing their magazine after the murders of their colleagues last week at the…

The Obama Administration Doesn’t Even Pretend to Say #JeSuisCharlie

As we here at Victory Girls reported yesterday, President Obama had no plans to go to Paris for yesterday’s unity march – despite a clear schedule. His…

#JeSuisJuif: Netanyahu to Visit France

The weekend news in France has not calmed down much since the end of the hostage situations and the deaths of three terrorists. There was a bomb…

#JeSuisJuif and the Hunt for Suspect Hayat Boumeddiene

Following up on the previous stories of the day, detailing the end of the Kouachi brothers during their last stand near Charles de Gaulle Airport, and the…

Of Course, Ron Paul Blames France for #CharlieHebdo. Et Vous, Rand?

Ron Paul just couldn’t refrain from his usual Blame-Everyone-Else-for-Muslims-Behaving-Badly screed. On NewsMaxTV’s Steve Malzberg Show, the former Texas congressman and erstwhile Presidential candidate pontificated: “I put blame on…

The #CharlieHebdo Bloodbath: Is Europe Finally Waking Up?

In the wake of the horrendous massacre at the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris, various nationalistic groups across Europe are declaring, in effect, “we told you so.”…

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Ava Gardner