The Curious Tale of the Florida Senate AR-15 Flip Flop [VIDEO]

The Curious Tale of the Florida Senate AR-15 Flip Flop [VIDEO]

Once, in the Kingdom of Sunny Florida, some lords of the realm called Senators met for a special Saturday session. They wanted to discuss what to do…

Only Police Should Have Guns [VIDEO]

Only Police Should Have Guns [VIDEO]

More and more evidence is coming out that the Broward County Sheriff’s office was derelict in its duties during the Parkland massacre. We know that school resource…

The Dana Loesch Two-Minute Hate Continues

The Dana Loesch Two-Minute Hate Continues

Old and busted: actually trying to hold the Sheriff of Broward County accountable for the failures of his department. New hotness: hating on Dana Loesch and the…

JROTC Hero Peter Wang Deserves A Military Burial

JROTC Hero Peter Wang Deserves A Military Burial

The only way to cope with the evil of something like the Parkland school shooting is to find the heroic moments. Despite the attempt by the left…

The FBI Admits They Screwed Up on Nikolas Cruz. But They’re So Sorry. [VIDEO]

The FBI Admits They Screwed Up on Nikolas Cruz. But They’re So Sorry. [VIDEO]

Well, guess what, everyone — the FBI is finally admitting they dropped the ball on high school shooter Nikolas Cruz. This kid left a trail of breadcrumbs…

Failing Our Children: What Are Our Children Learning From #Parkland Shooting Response [VIDEO]

Failing Our Children: What Are Our Children Learning From #Parkland Shooting Response [VIDEO]

The tragedy of the Parkland school shooting has been compounded by the finger-pointing and political grandstanding by the media, politicians, and people who just can’t seem to…

#SchoolShooter Nikolaus Cruz Fell Through Many Cracks

#SchoolShooter Nikolaus Cruz Fell Through Many Cracks

Yesterday, Victory Girls’ Deanna Fisher gave you the winners of The Ghoul Olympics, those who ran to the cameras to blame Republicans, guns and the NRA while…

The Ghoul Olympics [VIDEO]

The Ghoul Olympics [VIDEO]

Broward County, Florida, is reeling from the attack on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School today, and the loss of at least 17 precious lives at the hand…

Trump-Hating Driver Tries to Barge Into Presidential Motorcade in Florida. [VIDEO]

Trump-Hating Driver Tries to Barge Into Presidential Motorcade in Florida. [VIDEO]

President Trump is spreading a nationwide epidemic. It seems that wherever he goes, liberals become gravely affected by Trump Derangement Syndrome. Let’s call it TDS, for short….

Frederica Wilson Uses Death of Soldier to Call Herself a Rock Star [VIDEO]

Frederica Wilson Uses Death of Soldier to Call Herself a Rock Star [VIDEO]

Today Chief of Staff General John Kelly shamed Rep. Frederica Wilson — she of the big hats and even bigger mouth — for politicizing the death of…

Pasco County Sheriff: Don’t Shoot #HurricaneIrma, She’ll Shoot Back [VIDEO]

Pasco County Sheriff: Don’t Shoot #HurricaneIrma, She’ll Shoot Back [VIDEO]

Something that was started as a way to get a little comedic relief took on a life of its own. Some Americans preparing for Hurricane Irma are…

Scummy Dog Owners Leave Dogs Trapped Outside to Face Hurricane Irma [VIDEO]

Scummy Dog Owners Leave Dogs Trapped Outside to Face Hurricane Irma [VIDEO]

If you’re an animal lover like me, this story will boil your blood. Imagine being outside when Hurricane Irma strikes. You have no shelter or protection from…

Jennifer Lawrence, Hurricane Irma, and Stupid Celebrity Tricks. [VIDEO]

Jennifer Lawrence, Hurricane Irma, and Stupid Celebrity Tricks. [VIDEO]

Actress Jennifer Lawrence knows why the deadly duo of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma hit the United States. It’s because the U.S. elected Trump. And of course that…

Rush Limbaugh Did Not Call Hurricane Fake News

Rush Limbaugh Did Not Call Hurricane Fake News

Holy swirling winds, Batman. The known world and the Victory Girls are torn asunder over whether or not Rush Limbaugh called the prediction of Hurricane Irma fake…

Why Was a Ten Year Old Autistic Boy Handcuffed and Arrested at School [VIDEO]

Why Was a Ten Year Old Autistic Boy Handcuffed and Arrested at School [VIDEO]

A Florida mother filmed her ten year old son being handcuffed and arrested at school. Her ten year old son is autistic. This ten year old child…

It’s Official: Election 2016 Has Boarded the Crazy Train [VIDEOS]

It’s Official: Election 2016 Has Boarded the Crazy Train [VIDEOS]

The election is two days away, and the national psyche seems to be unraveling. Exhibit A: On Saturday night, Secret Service whisked Donald Trump off stage at…

#Debate: Trump Declines to Say He’ll Accept Results of Election, Media Apoplectic

#Debate: Trump Declines to Say He’ll Accept Results of Election, Media Apoplectic

During Wednesday night’s debate, Donald Trump was asked by moderator Chris Wallace about comments he’s made this week regarding voter fraud affecting the outcome of the election…

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Ava Gardner