RIP Rosie The Riveter-Model Mary Keefe Died This Week

RIP Rosie The Riveter-Model Mary Keefe Died This Week

We all know the iconic image nicknamed “Rosie the Riveter”  depicting a strong American woman painted by artist Norman Rockwell and appearing on the cover of the…

Outrageous: ROTC Cadets Made to Wear High Heels for Feminist Event

Outrageous: ROTC Cadets Made to Wear High Heels for Feminist Event

Imagine, if you will, the storied World War II general George S. Patton looking down from the heavens upon a scene of marching Reserve Officer Training Corps…

Amanda Marcotte Wonders Why Women Vote Republican

Today is the last day of the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC. This has spurred liberals everywhere to become inexplicably confused at the idea of conservatives…

The Bachelor: Chris Teaches Kaitlyn a Painful Lesson on Sex and Love

The Bachelor: Chris Teaches Kaitlyn a Painful Lesson on Sex and Love

Today’s generation of women have been conditioned to think of sex as cheap. It’s something to be easily given away, as opposed to something that should be…

Schadenfreude: Liberal Media Chastise the Oscar Nominations of Liberal Hollywood.

The list of the 2015 Academy Award nominations was announced this morning, and if you didn’t know any better you might think the members of the Academy…

WaPo: How To Find A Feminist Boyfriend

My first question is “why the hell would you want one of those?” But, evidently, Lisa Bonos at the Washington Post thought this would help someone land…

FEMEN’s Christmas Present To Feminism: Kidnapping Baby Jesus Because Abortion Is Sacred

Every once in a while, we here at VG receive a “gift” in the form of crazy happenings that we can blog about, and as of late…

A Feminist’s Take on Christmas: God Raped Mary

A Feminist’s Take on Christmas: God Raped Mary

I am not a person that despises labels and titles. I find comfort in the way I have chosen to label myself. I am a patriotic American….

One ISIS Terrorist Killed 150 Women

One ISIS terrorist, Abu Anas Al-Libi, is suspected of brutally murdering 150 women in Iraq, most of whom were Yazidi. According to Iraqi officials, Al-Libi killed these…

Is There A Rape Culture Or Are Lena Dunham And Rolling Stone Just Irresponsible?

I wish I could say that the current status of “feminism” in this country is laughable, but instead I have to say it nauseates me. We have…

Half of Americans Won’t Let Their Sons Play Football: Why Are We Turning Our Boys Into Cupcakes?

Why can’t Americans just let their boys embrace their masculinity? Feminists, abetted by the eager media, give us stories of sex-crazed college boys raping innocent freshman girls,…

Lies and statistics and graphics

One in five is a number that feminists like to claim are the women who are raped or sexually assaulted in college. Then there are claims that…

#Shirtstorm Feminists Attack Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds

The European Space Agency made history when their Philae lander touched down onto a comet. This was a major accomplishment, not just for science, but for humanity….

Feminists Whiny Shirt Flap Is “Priority” Over Philae Comet Achievement

Last week a pretty extraordinary milestone of scientific achievement was reached, Deanna blogged about it here. Just consider the ingenuity, brain-power, perseverance, and will power it took for…

November 12th – National Birth Control Day?

Did you know last year the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy decided to name November 12th “Thanks, Birth Control” day? Yeah, neither did I…

She Was Executed For Killing Her Rapist: What Reyhaneh Represents

A 26-year-old woman was executed in Iran this weekend. Her crime? Killing the man who raped her. Self-defense means nothing in Iran, especially if you are a…

Yo, Potty-Mouthed Feminists? This One’s for You

Dear Feminists: You all thought you were, like, so kewl and edgy with your nasty little video showing junior feminazis dropping the F-Bomb while spreading your lies about…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner