Kamala Harris “60 Minutes” Full Interview Released By The FCC

Kamala Harris “60 Minutes” Full Interview Released By The FCC

Why does this Kamala Harris interview, conducted by Bill Whitaker of CBS and aired on “60 Minutes,” along with clips aired on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” matter after the election is over?

Former Hawaii Government Employee “I’ve Been Made A Scapegoat” [VIDEOS]

Former Hawaii Government Employee “I’ve Been Made A Scapegoat” [VIDEOS]

The former Hawaii Emergency Management employee who was responsible for sending out what turned out to be a false missile warning to all of the mobile phones…

#FAKENEWS ALERT: Your internet privacy isn’t being sold by the GOP

Remember “Net Neutrality” and how the Obama Administration was finally able to have the Internet declared a “public utility” so the FCC could take it over in…

Anti-PC? Donald Trump Calls for FCC to Fine Rich Lowry for “Foul” Fox News Comment

Anti-PC? Donald Trump Calls for FCC to Fine Rich Lowry for “Foul” Fox News Comment

Donald Trump is brash. He’s bold. And he says, without a filter, just what’s on his mind. I find that refreshing, and I get why many GOP…

ObamaNet: GOP Commissioners Ask Dem FCC Chair to Delay Net Neutrality Vote

ObamaNet: GOP Commissioners Ask Dem FCC Chair to Delay Net Neutrality Vote

If it ain’t broke, we can always count on unelected federal bureaucrats to “fix” it. And it appears that the Internet as we know it is about…

Obama’s Latest Power Grab: Net Neutrality

Imagine a future where the internet is governed by a bunch of un-elected bureaucrats who attempt to regulate its inner workings. Well, today became that future. Net…

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Ava Gardner