Obama Using Presidential Memoranda More than Executive Orders

For those who point out that past presidents signed way more executive orders than Obama, USA Today has this tidbit of truth: Obama is using presidential memoranda…

Obama Hosts Democrat-Only Dinner Ahead of Speech

Obama Hosts Democrat-Only Dinner Ahead of Speech

According to Democrats, including President Obama, the results of the midterm election means that people want to see bipartisanship in Congress. Apparently, that “bipartisanship” doesn’t stretch as…

Illegals Taunt ICE Agents as Executive Amnesty Looms [VIDEO]

Illegals Taunt ICE Agents as Executive Amnesty Looms [VIDEO]

Barack Obama likes to play games. And right now he’s playing Russian Roulette with the Separation of Powers, with our Constitution, and with the very survival of…

No Executive Amnesty: Sheriffs Plan Massive Gathering with D.C. Congressmen

No Executive Amnesty: Sheriffs Plan Massive Gathering with D.C. Congressmen

Just a week ago, the Democrat party experienced one of the worst red tidal waves in recent history. Not only was its majority wrested away in our…

GOP Predicted To Win Control Of Senate: Mandate “Stop The Insanity!”

It is election day; and what a pivotal and momentous day this will be if Democrats are finally routed from their entrenched power seats in the Senate….

A President, A Pen, and An Executive Order

There once was a president with a pen and a phone, who signed an executive order. That executive order was eventually undone by the Supreme Court, rescinded…

Obama takes a play out of Putin’s playbook-How POTUS used the IRS Union to sideline the Tea Party

In a move that should not escape the attention of the American public, Obama (Yes, POTUS himself) met with the head of the Internal Revenue Service Union…

The Value of a Conspiracy Theory

Americans love a good conspiracy.  It’s in our nature.  For decades, people have debated aliens at Roswell, bullet trajectories at Dealey Plaza, and why those pesky aliens…

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Ava Gardner