Republican Party Principles: Arizona Senator Carlyle Begay Switches Parties

Republican Party Principles: Arizona Senator Carlyle Begay Switches Parties

For many of us involved in politics, right now can be a trying time. We’re not only fighting the left, but we’re fighting against those who claim…

Why Is The Chairman Of Google’s Parent Company Trying To Get Hillary Clinton Elected?

Why Is The Chairman Of Google’s Parent Company Trying To Get Hillary Clinton Elected?

The links between the worlds largest online search engine company, Google, and the Democratic party are stunning when you know where to look for them. The head…

Socialist Bernie Sanders Rising in Iowa Polls; Hillary Camp Concerned

Socialist Bernie Sanders Rising in Iowa Polls; Hillary Camp Concerned

In case you missed Hillary practicing her coronation walk during a parade in New Hampshire over the Fourth of July weekend, here’s how she corralled the fawning…

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Ava Gardner