Nancy Pelosi Says Trump Will “Make America White Again”

Nancy Pelosi Says Trump Will “Make America White Again”

Nancy Pelosi is here to tell you that putting the citizenship question on the census means Trump plans to “Make America White Again.” Yes, she said that and more.

Census Citizenship Question Gets New Lawyers

Census Citizenship Question Gets New Lawyers

It ain’t over until it’s over, and the census hasn’t been printed. The citizenship question may show up on the 2020 census yet.

Cryin’ Chuck Schumer Squeals About the Census

Cryin’ Chuck Schumer Squeals About the Census

After the Supreme Court decision stymied the Trump Administration’s effort to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census, the President is considering his options, including an…

SCOTUS Rulings Show Roberts As Swing Vote

SCOTUS Rulings Show Roberts As Swing Vote

Two new SCOTUS rulings came down this morning, and they show that the ideological split in the court is still alive and well, with Chief Justice Roberts…

Lawsuits, Illegal Immigration and the 2020 Census

Lawsuits, Illegal Immigration and the 2020 Census

As thousands of illegal immigrants attempt to cross the southern border, CA legislators celebrate their lawsuit win as a judge blocks the citizenship question on the 2020…

The Census, Citizenship and the Question

The Census, Citizenship and the Question

Not a week goes by without the Democrats being in an uproar about something coming from the White House. The latest is the inclusion of a question…

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Ava Gardner