Stephen Colbert Team Breaches Capitol With Democrat Help

Stephen Colbert Team Breaches Capitol With Democrat Help

From the You-Can’t-Make-This-Stuff-Up Department: Capitol Police arrested members of the Stephen Colbert “Late Night” show for unlawful entry. What’s especially rich is that they may have received help from Democratic congressmen.

Sawant: Teen Dead Because “Capitialism’s Brutality”

Sawant: Teen Dead Because “Capitialism’s Brutality”

A 16-year-old boy was killed and a 14-year-old boy was critically wounded in a shooting near Seattle’s CHOP area early yesterday morning and city council member Kshama…

CHAZ Gets Armed Antifa Group Security

CHAZ Gets Armed Antifa Group Security

The CHAZ has undergone an identity crisis. It now wants to be called the CHOP. Except no one can agree on what “CHOP” stands for.

Reverend Billy Graham A Servant and Leader

Reverend Billy Graham A Servant and Leader

The Earthly remains of the Reverend Billy Graham lie-in-honor in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol building. This is an honor accorded to only four other…

Mitt Romney lunches with Obama at the White House

The lunch between Romney and Barack Hussein Obama began at 12:30 pm when Mitt arrived. He left at 1:41 pm. The 1 hour, 11 minute “lunch” was…

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Ava Gardner