Maher Stacks Up Another Epic Drop

Maher Stacks Up Another Epic Drop

Yes, Bill Maher has some TDS. But, as of recently, Maher actually brought forth some harsh realities for his comrades on the left.

Medical Schools Ignore Science In New DEI Endeavors

Medical Schools Ignore Science In New DEI Endeavors

In the heartland of America, Indiana University (IU)’s Medical School has now stated there are more than three genders and that men have “cervices”.

No Rachel Levine, Mothers Are NOT Chickens

No Rachel Levine, Mothers Are NOT Chickens

Mothers are now chickens. We are only “egg producers.” That’s according to Rachel Levine, that guy masquerading as a woman while operating as the Assistant Secretary of…

Riley Gaines Schools ESPN Over Lia Thomas Promotion

Riley Gaines Schools ESPN Over Lia Thomas Promotion

Women’s History Month USED to be one that celebrates women, as in BIOLOGICAL women. Not any more. ESPN was just one of many organizations that instead promoted…

Women Erased On International Women’s Day

Women Erased On International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is supposed to celebrate WOMEN. It’s a day to commemorate the women in our lives and the notable women around the world who’ve changed…

ACLU Attempts To Debunk “Myths” About Trans-Athletes

ACLU Attempts To Debunk “Myths” About Trans-Athletes

The ACLU is here to tell us that all those issues with trans-athletes in high school and college sports are just myths. In a twitter thread posted…

Failing Our Students: “B” is for Biology

Failing Our Students: “B” is for Biology

From Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania comes another example of how our educators are failing our students. A little quiz turned political after a biology professor inserted a…

Ultrasounds Are NOT Political, Unless You’re Pro-Abortion

Ultrasounds Are NOT Political, Unless You’re Pro-Abortion

The annual March For Life is coming up this Friday, and in advance of it, the pro-abortion left is trying their hardest to counter every argument they…

Obama Thinks He Is King, Sets Out Directive to School Districts Regarding Bathroom Access

And now the bathroom wars are moving into the school district near you. The Obama administration, under the direction of the president, will be issuing an imperial…

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Ava Gardner