Pelosi Proves Again She Wants To Wear The Crown

Pelosi Proves Again She Wants To Wear The Crown

Two hundred forty-five years ago, our nation won its independence from England. Gone were the days of bending to the will of the crown. Since then, more than a few politicians have acted as if they want a. The only difference is they would be the one sitting on the throne in Washington D.C. But none of them have were as blatant about it as Nancy Pelosi. The wanna-be queen, who ignored her own rules and allowed a Covid-positive member of the House attend in order to insure her continued reign as Speaker, proved once again she believes she is the rightful ruler of our nation. The only thing missing is her declaration that it is a God-given crown.

Pelosi’s Urgency of Impeachment at a Snail Pace

Pelosi’s Urgency of Impeachment at a Snail Pace

Nancy Pelosi’s delay in sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate undermines the implied urgency of the issue. Senate Democrats are getting impatient with the delay….

Welcome To Impeachment Limbo For The Holidays

Welcome To Impeachment Limbo For The Holidays

Now that the Democrats have gotten their impeachment vote as a gift to the base, they are left trying to figure out what to do with it….

Rally For Trump While House Holds Impeachment Votes

Rally For Trump While House Holds Impeachment Votes

While the House of Representatives held forth on the Constitution, Federalist Papers and every Founding Father before voting to Impeach President Trump, the man himself held a…

Speaker Pelosi Is A No Show For Impeachment Today

Speaker Pelosi Is A No Show For Impeachment Today

Today, the House of Representatives took up the debate for the Articles of Impeachment against President Donald J. Trump. There was one most notable absence today. Speaker…

Jamie Raskin In For Nadler At Rules Committee

Jamie Raskin In For Nadler At Rules Committee

Representative Jerrold Nadler (Jerry), Chairman of the (powerful) House Judiciary Committee was supposed to appear with ranking member Doug Collins before the House Rules Committee today. Jerry’s…

Witnesses For Me, Not For Thee, Say Democrats

Witnesses For Me, Not For Thee, Say Democrats

With the House vote on impeachment looming, and the lack of must-see-TV that the Democrats produced over the previous weeks, the Senate is starting to prepare for…

House Judiciary Committee Votes For Impeachment

House Judiciary Committee Votes For Impeachment

It’s official. On a party-line vote, the House Judiciary Committee has voted to send the two proposed articles of impeachment to the full House for a vote.

Russia Has Won So Far, Thanks to Democrats

Russia Has Won So Far, Thanks to Democrats

Today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Adam Schiff announced two Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump. With this announcement, Vladimir Putin has achieved his goal in…

The Farce Continues: Nancy Pelosi Announces Articles Of Impeachment

The Farce Continues: Nancy Pelosi Announces Articles Of Impeachment

Once upon a time Nancy Pelosi was considered a smart tactical politician. But today, she announced with a sad face that she has asked the House Chairs…

Bribery May Be One Of Articles Of Impeachment

Bribery May Be One Of Articles Of Impeachment

There is widespread reporting that the Democrats are planning to draft three or four Articles of Impeachment. Bribery is very likely to be one of them. Despite…

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Ava Gardner