Chris Christie Is Biden’s Man

Chris Christie Is Biden’s Man

Chris Christie is Biden’s man, alright. Christie now has a campaign ad saying he is the only man to beat Trump. Not Biden. But Trump.

Statist CNN, Releasing Documents Endangers NatSec

Statist CNN, Releasing Documents Endangers NatSec

Statist media again bemoan about “National Security” as a means to scare up insinuations that the Trump administration is inept and reckless with classified information. But after…

Strong Man: Five Reasons this is a very bad idea

Strong Man: Five Reasons this is a very bad idea

A Strong Man sounds good, right? Someone to take care of all the problems in government and society, right? Why you don’t even have to think in…

The 2016 Election and The Anger Surrounding Trump: Why Situational Awareness Is Important

The 2016 Election and The Anger Surrounding Trump: Why Situational Awareness Is Important

Since National Review’s Against Trump series unraveled, there has been more chaos added to the mix of the upcoming Iowa caucuses and inevitable for Election 2016. In…

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Ava Gardner