Suddenly Joe Is “Laser-Focused” On Giving Maui A Pittance

Suddenly Joe Is “Laser-Focused” On Giving Maui A Pittance

Suddenly Joe Is “Laser-Focused” On Giving Maui A Pittance

After offering an infuriating “No Comment” response to reporters concerning the deadly wildfires on Maui yesterday afternoon, and avoiding reporters this morning, suddenly Joe is FOCUSED. Laser-focused even!

You see, we weren’t supposed to get mad at how tone-deaf The Big Guy is. We aren’t supposed to be mad that Mr. Empathy President is only empathetic to his cocaine-addled son. 

President Biden had yet to offer a verbal statement Monday afternoon in response to the mounting death toll in the catastrophic Maui wildfire — the deadliest US wildfire in more than a century — after spending the weekend sunning himself on the beach near his Delaware vacation home.

The 80-year-old commander-in-chief avoided reporters upon his return to Washington Monday morning, walking directly across the White House lawn to the Oval Office without approaching the press to give a statement on the tragedy, as US leaders often do.

How dare any of us question Joe’s response or lack thereof? How DARE WE??!! 

Lauren Boebert has been slammed after she criticised President Joe Biden for his handling of the Maui wildfires.

“There is a total crisis in Maui,” she wrote on social media on Sunday afternoon. “3000 destroyed homes. 80 people dead. Where’s Joe Biden? On vacation of course. There is no bottom for this president.”

This is the deadliest wildfire in American history. We won’t know for quite some time how many lives were lost. 

It was a confluence of events that started this raging wildfire. Yet now, as the citizens of Maui try to recover, after deafening silence and an infuriating “No comment” Joe is laser-focused on getting support to the citizens in Maui. 

Just five tweets. That’s all. Here’s the equally infuriating part that raised my blood pressure. These two tweets. 

A mere $700 ONE-TIME payment per household? AYFKM?? That’s IT? After announcing that BILLIONS will be shuffled off to Ukraine, households on Maui will only get $700 ONCE? And it doesn’t matter whether that household has one member or five. A measly $700 in the face of billions sent to Ukraine. 

Lovely optics that! 

Even more so is that other tweet. Does no one in the Biden Administration realize that English is the most common language on the islands, and the native Hawaiian language is rarely spoken these days? Furthermore, the people on Maui don’t have TIME to wait for cute little brochures translated into whatever language the Biden Admin feels is best. 

No, what they NEED now is resources. Food, water, medical supplies, clothing, diapers, and much much more. Brochures aren’t on the list. 

It’s going to cost BILLIONS to rebuild that area of Maui. Yet Joe Biden, the Great Empathy President is laser-focused on providing them with brochures, great sounding words, and a pittance, while he embarks on yet another vacation. 

Haven’t you figured it out yet? Joe’s priorities are Joe and the Biden Brand. The American people and especially those on Maui right now can go pound sand. 

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  • Gregory Brou says:

    Folks need to read Appendix D of the Maui Hazard Mitigation report for 2020, page 897. Describes the top failure risks associated with wildfires that could have affected Maui. Power lines did not make the list, About 6 of the items are really on target.
    Maui knew what the problems were. If a private company had a similar risk assessment document it would be bankrupt. In Maui’s case, they will get a 5 billion dollar upgrade

    • GWB says:

      Can you list them? Or at least some of them? I know others have mentioned it, too.

      I do think the power lines went down because of the fire, and likely only added to the problems. But I haven’t looked into it more than cursorily.

      I did see a good analysis of the loss of the agricultural land causing the elimination of meaningful fire breaks. Law of Unintended Consequences.

  • LeoAmery says:

    It’s a blueblueblue state. Slowy could raise their taxes and they would still vote for him.

    Wish Big Don was free to fly in a cargo plane of emergency supplies while he talked to the victims.

  • GWB says:

    It’s going to cost BILLIONS to rebuild that area of Maui.
    It sure as heck shouldn’t. $1 billion over 3,000 homes and other buildings, translates into about $300,000 each. I doubt any but the commercial buildings have anywhere near that value. Also, that’s what insurance is for.

    A mere $700 ONE-TIME payment per household? AYFKM??
    Well, honestly, I will not go into an argument to prove that Congress has no power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. You know it’s true. We have the right, as individuals, to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity. So do so.

    Sorry, but knee-jerk compassion is a poor reason to do anything. Let’s get them immediate relief – using American military assets, if necessary – and then let’s get compassionate Americans to help through our numerous “little brigades.” That’s how we will actually take care of these people.

    Oh, and after the immediate care is handled, then feel free to point fingers – even at those who lost their homes or family members – of blame. But let’s not rush in where even Davy Crockett feared to tread.

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