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The reaction to last week’s Presidential election has been mind-boggling to say the least. Honestly, I had no idea that so many people were that fragile. The hysteria on college campuses by the administration, students, and professors has been something to behold. Their complete inability to cope is unreal.
Think I’m wrong? The folks at Powerline blog have an excellent round up of the last few days. I’ve linked a few examples below for your reading pleasure:
This is a fun one: A Freakout At Wellesley College. Yes, Hillary’s alma mater just can’t handle the truth! Paula Johnson, Wellesley’s president, writes that equity for all is an absolute must! But then, as Paul points out, immediately turns around and informs us that women’s leadership is the best. Alrighty then! Good to know that equity and diversity for all is fine and dandy as long as women get there first! Meanwhile, pass the tissues…
Not only are the colleges freaking out, they are madly scrambling to provide safe spaces, pizza parties, Lego toys, milk and cookies, and coloring books. I kid you not.
Wait a minute. Aren’t colleges supposed to be a place where students learn to ADULT?? Well, they are supposed to be. But, as the map shows, several high profile colleges are spending more time post election catering to the especially fragile snowflakes instead of expecting the students to attend class.
Well, many of us have had more than enough. In fact, one lawmaker has really REALLY had enough!
What a genius idea!
State Rep. Bobby Kaufmann (R) explained on Fox & Friends today why he’s put forth the “Suck It Up, Buttercup” bill in response to how colleges have handled students’ anger and sadness over Hillary Clinton’s surprise defeat.
The bill would target state universities that use taxpayer dollars for additional grief counseling or other things – like “cry rooms” – to help students cope with election-related sadness. He also wants to increase the criminal penalties for protesters who block highways, as some demonstrators did near Iowa City last week.
I wonder if the legislation includes a new version of the ‘Hurt Feelings’ Report? But I digress. State Rep. Kaufmann makes some excellent points.
A. Those of us here in reality are resilient. We figured out a long time ago that life isn’t fair. We ‘suck it up’ and keep moving forward.
B. The inability to cope should not lend itself to being given a free pass to not show up to classes or work because you are “SAD!” Life doesn’t work that way.
C. If you turn your ‘hurt feelings’ into creating a dangerous environment for others such as shutting down highways and destroying property, then full force of law should be visited upon you.
In other words, to all the college students out there (professors too!) who are melting down over a VOTE. You can either continue to cry and scribble in your coloring books, or you can face the fact that Life Isn’t Fair. The reality is, there will ALWAYS be a winner and a loser. Today your reality is this: Hillary Did Not Win.
And all the participation trophies, ribbons, certificates, safe spaces, cry rooms, therapy, and pizza parties aren’t going to change that. It is time, past time, for everyone to get a grip, put on their big boy and girl pants and “Suck It Up Buttercup.”
Please, Nina, they’re upset because their prophet – the Chosen One for this octennial cycle – was unable to call down fire on their sacrifice. It has nothing to do with equality or justice or any other principles people in the real world care about. Their god has been called into question, and they fear their opponents will give them the Mount Carmel treatment.
(BTW, if you haven’t read it recently, the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal is one of my favorites. 1 Kings 18:20-40. Elijah says to them, “maybe your god is asleep! Maybe he’s sitting on the toilet!” Heh.)
GWB – very very true!!
That story is also one of my favorites. Isn’t it interesting how it is so apt right now?