#StockleyProtest: Peaceful STL Protestors Burn Flag, Destroy Property, Throw Bricks [Video]

#StockleyProtest: Peaceful STL Protestors Burn Flag, Destroy Property, Throw Bricks [Video]

#StockleyProtest: Peaceful STL Protestors Burn Flag, Destroy Property, Throw Bricks [Video]

When the news broke that former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley was found ‘Not Guilty’ of murdering a suspect, law-abiding folks in that city braced themselves for people to get stupid. And they most certainly did.

First up is this ‘genius,’ and I use that term very loosely.

Let’s take a much closer look, not at the shirt, but at the Glock.

Someone has decided that all rules of gun safety need not apply. I have to wonder how many cops saw that, thought of saying something and thought, “Nahhh, we’ll just see if Darwin shows up.”

Exactly. Meanwhile many businesses in the downtown area near the Arch and Riverfront sent employees home early, boarded up their storefronts, and canceled planned charity events. A Walk for Alzheimers was postponed because of all the protesting jackasses! 

The Mayor and Police Chief attempted to call for the protests to be peaceful and not violent, but of course the “peaceful” protestors were having none of that.

Early Friday, protesters tried to block officers from traveling on Tucker Boulevard between Clark Avenue and Spruce Street. Police used pepper spray to clear the roadway as protesters hollered, chanted and held up signs.


At one point, protesters climbed on top of a police SUV and smashed its windshield. At about 5:30 p.m., police said the downtown protests were no longer considered peaceful, and they asked people to leave.

Organizations involved in these protests offered up this tone deaf statement.

A joint statement from the protest groups ArchCity Defenders, St. Louis Action Council and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment criticized city officials’ response to the protests, saying they were demonizing protesters by “preemptively bemoaning violence and civil unrest, calling instead for peace.”

“True peace, requires justice, and there was nothing just about today’s verdict,” the statement said.

“The optics of closed business, walled off city buildings and a highly militarized police force are merely staging for the city’s spin that we the protesters are the violent ones,” the statement continues. “While our communities grieve, we are demonized. While we stand in bold assertion of our constitutional rights, we are criminalized.”

The protestors were demonized? Oh I don’t think so!

Was that peaceful? No. How about this?

Peaceful? Hardly. Nine officers were injured during the protests.

The protestors thought it would be a grand idea to block streets. They started downtown during the day, and then to the Central West End. They blocked a significant portion of Kingshighway. The area they blocked is a major artery to two of the biggest hospitals in the area. Do the protestors care about ambulances having to reroute because of them?

Not. One. Bit. Instead, they followed the Protestor’s Playbook to a T.

Property damage? Check.

St. Louis Library vandalized by protestors

March on the Mayor’s home and vandalize it? Check.

Burn the American Flag? Check.

Yeah, that’s SUPER “peaceful” alright. Oh, let’s not forget the chants and slogans shall we?

“If you kill our kids, we kill your economy!”

How many of those protestors were the first in line to demand that the government take care of them after they decimated the city during the Ferguson Riots? I’d say a good 70%.

Missouri Governor Eric Greitens was not amused, and I don’t blame him.

What the protestors fail to realize is that their actions of violence are damaging whatever cause they are promoting. No one wants to listen to someone who believes screaming expletives in someone’s face will make their point. No one will listen to someone who thinks throwing bricks at people or property will win an argument. No one will listen to someone who believes that destroying property and injuring those who disagree or stand in their way is the only route to take.

There are consequences to what these so-called “peaceful” protests are doing to St. Louis.


Acting like animals will not win the day. Acting like animals will not further your cause. Acting like animals will get you nowhere.

Pro-tip to those so-called “peaceful” protestors. Choose another way to make your case and maybe one day someone will listen.

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  • parker says:

    This will not end well…… for anyone.

  • Darleen Click says:

    1) trial by jury, lawfully done, is how we decide criminal cases. Period. So you don’t like the outcome? That’s not an argument about the system. There were no riots after OJ was acquitted despite the injustice of that verdict, so STFU.

    2) Re: glock — go right ahead and wear it that way. A 9mm vasectomy will keep the idiot from reproducing.

    • Scott says:

      RE: #2… based on this clowns behavior, it’s probably a very small target, and it is only a 9mm (can’t expect him to use a mans caliber..)

  • Eileen Garofal says:

    This is 30 minutes from where I live. I am a patient at the Siteman Cancer Center which is part of the BJC hospital system, one of the hospitals that was blocked last night. This behavior does not further the cause. Ed Sheeran also canceled his concert at the Scott Trade Center. Protesters showed up today at 2 suburban malls and the Taste of St Louis food festival. Peaceful and civilized is one thing. Thug behavior is another. My heart goes out to the police officers, their families and the National Guard and their families for standing watch over this. Disturbing…….

    • Nina says:

      I know many in St. Louis and none are thrilled with these protestors. They are doing so much damage in so many ways.

      Siteman is amazing. Prayers that your battle is successful!

  • GWB says:

    How many of those protestors were the first in line to demand that the government take care of them after they decimated the city during the Ferguson Riots? I’d say a good 70%.

    Nah. If it was like the Ferguson stupidity, 70% of the rioters were from out of town.

    “True peace, requires justice, and there was nothing just about today’s verdict,”

    The concept of “justice” is totally alien to most of these folks. They are the most racist and bigoted (against cops) folks around.

    A Walk for Alzheimers was postponed because of all the protesting jackasses!

    But was anyone going to rem…. no, no, no, I won’t go there.

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