January 12, 2016
How the heck did we ever get here.
In the beginning:
On January 8, 1790, President George Washington delivered the very “First Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union”. The State of the Union Address is described in The Constitution, Article II, Section 3, Clause 1, the President:
“shall from time to time give to the Congress Information on the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.”
Imagine the scene of President George Washington arriving by carriage at Federal Hall in New York City. This newly born nation was finding her way and Washington gave a SOTU heavily influenced by my favorite Founding Father, Alexander Hamilton (yesterday was his birthday). Imagine the Joint Session of Congress listening to this mature, sober, statesman like speech.
Then, there was this from President Barack Obama’s first State of the Union Address:
That very last second of the video was Vice President Joe Biden telling then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, “You win, Nancy. Now, sit down.”
The International Business Times has a great article about the State of the Union Address. Included in their fun facts is that Thomas Jefferson sent a written message because he disliked public speaking. Woodrow Wilson switched it back in 1913.
There is no requirement that the President show up. In fact, Presidents William Harrison and James Garfield never gave a State of the Union Address or sent a message, I guess.
Contrary to popular belief, President Bill Clinton did not give the longest State of the Union Address. President Harry Truman wins that accolade at more than 25,000 words (bathroom break, please). Clinton was interrupted by applause 128 times in his 2000 SOTU speech.
As comical as it was back in the olden days of watching those old fools (also known as Representatives and Senators) jump up and down applauding and mugging for the cameras, it has now turned into a tragic farce.
Remember Congressman Joe Wilson yelling out “You lie.”
Poor form, dude.
Or, Barack Obama calling out a co-equal branch of government, the Justices of the Supreme Court.
Childish, ugly, not worthy of the President of the United States.
The scenes of Congresspersons acting like fangirls when the President arrives. The use of guests as political props (blame the Great President Reagan for that one). It is also so vapid and shallow.
The State of the Union Address has become a tragic farce. Don’t worry. Victory Girls will be watching so that you don’t have to watch.
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