Special Persecutor Jack Smith Goes After Trump On Election Integrity

Special Persecutor Jack Smith Goes After Trump On Election Integrity

Special Persecutor Jack Smith Goes After Trump On Election Integrity

The Democrat Media Industrial Complex is making me want to invent new curse words, like the Dad in The Christmas Story. I would like to weave a “tapestry of obscenity” that will hang out there and be visible to Elon Musk on his way to Mars. This elitist group of myopic pishers has no senses of humor and NO self-awareness. How else could they celebrate Special Persecutor going after Donald Trump for praising steps toward “election integrity” in February of 2020.

Oh my gravy, what is wrong with those people. The first Covid-19 death was confirmed March 1, 2020. That was a month before “Two weeks to flatten the curve”. Life changed completely after. Here is the CNN headline on the Special Persecutor:

Special counsel scrutinizing February 2020 meeting where Trump praised US election security protections.”

Special counsel Jack Smith’s office has asked former US officials about a February 2020 Oval Office meeting where then-President Donald Trump praised improvements to the security of US elections, according to multiple people familiar with the matter.
In the meeting with senior US officials and White House staff, Trump touted his administration’s work to expand the use of paper ballots and support security audits of vote tallies. Trump was so encouraged by federal efforts to protect election systems that he suggested the FBI and Department of Homeland Security hold a press conference to take credit for the work, four people familiar with the meeting told CNN.
Those details offer a stark contrast to the voter-fraud conspiracy theories Trump began spreading publicly just weeks later and continued to use to question the 2020 election results.
Smith’s office has in recent months interviewed multiple former US officials with knowledge of the February 2020 Oval Office briefing, sources said, though not everyone who attended the meeting and has talked to the special counsel was asked about it. In their questions to at least one of those former officials, investigators were interested in how Trump reacted to information from his advisers that US election systems were secure, and whether Trump was well informed on the topic, one of the sources said.

Do these people have Democrat Dementia? What in the actual heck? Let’s go to the videotape:

First of all Propaganda News, Trump did not want desire to overturn the 2020 elections. His concern, and mine, was that the 2020 Presidential Election was not free and fair. Notice she said that Trump sang a different tune just weeks later. Weeks after the February, 2020 Oval Office meeting when Trump questioned the coming election integrity was July 30, 2020. That was four months into “two weeks to flatten the curve”. By the middle and end of September, 2020, State courts were changing election laws and adding drop boxes and the like. Changing election laws is strictly the purview of the state legislatures. It is anti-Constitutional for courts to change the rules.

Back to the CNN article and the operation of Trump’s mind:

Smith’s interest in the February 2020 meeting, which has not been previously reported, is the latest indication that the special counsel is seeking testimony from a range of witnesses about Trump’s mindset surrounding his voter fraud claims, including what he was told or understood about election security.
Trump’s private expressions of confidence in US elections could offer prosecutors insight into Trump’s thinking and potentially undercut his defense that he truly believed the election was stolen.

Details from the February 2020 Oval Office meeting are likely relevant to Smith’s election interference investigation because they speak to Trump’s “knowledge and intent” around the security of US elections, said Elie Honig, a former federal prosecutor and CNN legal analyst.
“Should [Trump] reasonably have known that there was no fraud and he lost?” Honig said, describing the prosecutorial angle. “Or does he have some sort of claim that he was acting in good faith, or acting on the reasonable advice of his advisers in contesting the election?”
Testimony from the February 2020 meeting suggests that at least in the early part of 2020, Trump embraced the notion that the election would be secure and that he was heeding the advice of his own experts.

Yes, you low IQ, flaming buttholes. Everything changed because of Covid-19. Why is that concept so difficult to grasp?

Raw Story added more to the “mindset” story:

Former President Donald Trump is facing likely imminent indictment in the January 6 investigation by special counsel Jack Smith, and the decision could come down in a matter of days. And one of the significant episodes that could legally implicate Trump in a deliberate plot to deprive people of their rights, said New York University law professor Ryan Goodman, is his move to fire cybersecurity official Chris Krebs after he vouched for the security of the 2020 election.

This comes on top of the context that Smith is investigating a meeting from early 2020 in which Trump privately praised election security measures, just months before calling those efforts fraudulent.
“So, Ryan, you heard what Olivia [Troye] said, that the tone coming out of this, we should be touting this as a success because they had something good,” said anchor Erin Burnett. “Obviously, the context of COVID and those were dark days. But you hear her talking about this meeting. How significant could this evidence be, this meeting for Smith’s case?”
“It could be very valuable because it does get into Donald Trump’s mindset,” said Goodman, who also previously served as special counsel to the Department of Defense. “If Smith can prove that Donald Trump understood that the election was safe and secure, which this evidence seems to suggest exactly that with multiple witnesses at the meeting, and then when it’s not convenient for him to say that, instead he’s trying to spin a narrative of an election that was stolen, he turns around and fires the very person that he wanted to give a press conference.”

Trump’s mindset in February of 2020 was completely different by May of 2020. It’s like the difference between September 10 and September 11, 2001. Everything changed. There is a reason that Special Persecutor Jack Smith looks like a comic book villain. Consarned, conflabbed, mishugena twat.

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  • Joe R. says:

    Discovery is going to be awesome. Then there’ll be public stonings in the town square when the real shizzay gets laid-out for everyone to see.

    The heck with ‘draining the swamp’. Curing D.C. will likely take an ‘act of GOD’, like a meteor. I’m thinkin’ only 37 tons, traveling at about 17 mi./sec.

  • Election integrity was reasonably good in February (except, of course, in those places like the Left Coast where the fraud machine was enshrined into law). That is WHY Democrat Governors, Secretaries of State, and corrupt Judges HAD TO dismantle it wherever they could.

    IF the systems that were in place in February were still in place in November, Trump would be POTUS by a very comfortable margin – and the House and Senate would still be quite comfortably Republican.

  • Michael A. Pickering says:

    Those with an iota of common sense that pay attention to other then “left leaning” “media”, know the rampant fraud that underscored the entire electoral process. Trump is a liability to the perverted, child sniffing demons who flaunt their lawlessness before We the People with complete and total immunity. Open borders (treason) to traffic children for sex, labor or Lord knows what other reason, printing money for endless wars which we have no business being involved in if not for the greed of Bushes, Clinton, Biden, and a host of others. BLM anarchists are given free reign while peaceful and legitimate patriot protestors rot in a DC gulag, denied healthcare and due process, to name just two illegal efforts to silence them. This is not the nation my dad and uncle risked their lives to keep intact from hostile invasions. Our own feckless leader now accepts outright bribes, and his party and the aforementioned “media” stooges, along with the alphabet agencies, cover with screams and pointing fingers AWAY from the true evil they support.

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