Seven Presents for the Patriot Warrior

Seven Presents for the Patriot Warrior

Seven Presents for the Patriot Warrior

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and that means presents. Whether you are celebrating the birth of Jesus or the Festival of Lights (Hanukkah begins on December 24, this year), you need presents. Given the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States and the rejection of snowflakes and buttercups, you need presents that reflect our inner “patriots” and “warriors” We need to find our inner warrior. You know, like the patriots at Valley Forge.

Baron Steuben drilling the troops at Valley Forge, 1778. Painting by E. A. Abbey

Did you read Lisa Carr’s post for Victory Girls today? The Problem of Whiteness. Holy moley? Doesn’t that just frost you? Please don’t raise anymore pajama boys or snowflake girls. We have enough. The people that settled this country came in every race known to the Universe. But, I digress. You need gifts.

1. Thirteen Hours – Either the book or the movie would make a great present and are easily available. I like the book best, but I am a book kind of girl. These Americans ran toward danger. The American Ambassador was not their responsibility, but given the absence of grown ups, they took up their weapons and four sacrificed their lives. No cupcakes.

Book cover

2. Enhanced Interrogation – The new book by James E. Mitchell, Ph.D. Omg. This guy developed the techniques for the CIA. They are not what that horrible human being, Senator Dianne Feinstein and her Minority Senate Report said. Senator Feinstein is a lying sack of cow excrement. Dr. Mitchell gives it to you straight. He discusses his ethical dilemmas and how he interviewed the worst of Al-Qaida. Available in hardcover, audio and downloads. Educate your friends and family with this book.

3. Arm the whole family – The Airsoft Megastore has family packages. Stock is low. Order now. Shoot with your family. What could be better.

Ka-Bar Tactical Spork

4. Tactical Spork – Not a joke. This was suggested to me by a Marine as a stocking stuffer for my soldier son. Whether your patriot warrior is a hunter, camper, or cube farm dweller, the tactical spork is the perfect present. Practical and fun present. (Don’t buy for school aged.)

5. Concealed Carry shirts – I am going to direct you to tactical gear once again. Warriors are not victims.

Hale Yeah

6. Kid Rock merchandise- Who doesn’t want to be “chillin’ the most”. I am a “YUGE” Kid Rock fan. Kid Rock is “bigly”.

7. Yourself – The gift of you is always good. Except, of course, if you are a liberal douche. After all, it’s time for presents not punishments. lol

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Pleasant Winter Soltice! And, a Happy New Year.

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