Sentencing Trump, The Show Will Go On

Sentencing Trump, The Show Will Go On

Sentencing Trump, The Show Will Go On

After rushing through a sham of a liberal-fueled trial where 7 men and 5 women found Donald J. Trump guilty of 34 felony counts, we now wait and wait and wait on his sentencing. July 11th, Judge Merchan will decide what to do with Trump.

We are not far off from the Republican National Convention. It is set to take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 15th – 18th, with Donald J. Trump accepting the Republican nomination for the 2024 Presidential candidacy.

But first, four choreographed days before the convention begins, Donald Trump will stand in a New York City courtroom to receive his sentencing from Judge Merchan. No matter how we spin this, something is going to happen. Prison, house arrest, probation? I believe those are the options. I do not practice law. We’ll find out with Donald Trump on July 11th.

So what happens after July 11th? What if Trump is unable to attend the convention?

Before we proceed, let’s address something going around on X. I’ll provide two posts from X: Miranda Devine and Kurt Schlichter. Then we’ll move on.

Okay, back to the emergency plans for the convention.


Co-chairs Michael Whatley and Lara Trump have reassured the people the show will go on. They are working to create alternatives and have contingency plans in place should Juan Manuel Merchan go thoroughly liberal crazy and throw the whole book at Trump.

Lara and Michael believe we will see Donald Trump on stage in Milwaukee.

But just in case, there will be contingency plans in place.

RNC Co-chair Michael Whatley won’t share those contingencies, so we can only speculate about what might happen. However, Michael Whatley’s message is this: ” We want to have a show that is going to roll out Donald Trump and his vision for America.”

Donald Trump doesn’t need to be present on stage to accept the nomination.

Lara Trump also weighs in,

“We have to be ready for anything,” said RNC co-chair Lara Trump on CNN last week. “Whether its from Trump Tower in Manhattan, whether it’s from Mar-a-Lago, whether it’s from our convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, we will nominate Donald Trump as our Republican nominee and that’s what ultimately matters.” – The New York Post

It is hard to predict what will happen. It seems absurd to think about Donald Trump accepting the nomination from prison.

But ya’ll remember Allen Weisselberg, don’t you? He was Trump’s chief financial officer who pled guilty to two counts of perjury […] in his testimony during former President Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial.

Weisselberg received 5 months in prison on Riker’s Island. His sentencing hearing lasted five minutes when Judge Merchan handed down the 5-month prison sentence to the 76-year-old and then immediately cuffed him and led him out of the courtroom. It is also reported that he only received 5 months because he pled guilty.

People close to Weisselberg said Merchan made it known it would have been much worse had the defendant not pled guilty and forced a jury to render a verdict — as Trump did. – New York Post

Oh, and Weisselberg had no prior criminal history. There was no ankle bracelet or home arrest for Weisselberg. Nope, straight to prison—for five months. I hate to say this, but I believe Trump will go to prison. But will or can it be suspended? I have no clue.

The liberals have moved way beyond wanting to humiliate Trump. And we better start bracing ourselves for something we’ve never seen in U.S. history. Buckle up.

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/edited in Canva Pro

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  • The juror-misconduct thing seems tailor made to rescue…the Democrats! The trial and the verdict have been an absolute disaster for the Democrats, who’ve lost support in every demographic and nearly every part of the country. But on the basis of the juror-misconduct allegation, Merchan could set aside the verdict and declare a mistrial without having to admit to error — and without having to commit to a second trial. (Many mistrials are never retried.)

  • Hate_me says:

    I do not believe the average American, today, has the stomach for true, existential war. Honestly, we’re at a point where many of those under imminent existential threat in the western world (i.e., every Israeli supporting withdrawal) wouldn’t be able to kill and clean a squirrel if that’s what it took to eat and live another day.

    America wasn’t created by sheep led by a lion, nor lions led by a lamb. It was a nation of men (and women, but let’s not clutter this), led by men. It could be, again, but that requires men who are willing to get their hands dirty – and I have a manicure scheduled later today, so… lemme know how that goes, kay? Thanks.

    • The “average” colonial didn’t have the stomach for that kind of war, either. Those who did were a small minority.

      The similarity is that the minority of “hard men” on the patriotic side these days seriously outnumbers the minority of the “Tories,” just as it did in the Revolution.

      I do NOT want to test it – but I have few doubts that a “whiff of grapeshot” or an encounter with “Devil Dogs” will send the vast majority scampering back into the holes they crawled out of.

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