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Obama wins.
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screw defeat

i woke this morning feeling upset with the outcome of our election but hopeful in a number of ways. yes. indeed we are all americans but we have real ideological differences. so because of these differences, i want to make a couple things perfectly clear:

1. i want NO part of an Obama agenda which includes the appeasement of terroristic nations; socialistic principles including redistribution of wealth and bloated bail outs; a weak, demoralized and immasculated military; a culture of death including partial birth abortions.

2. unity? no thanks. we have political parties in this country because of these real philosophical differences. one of my biggest beefs with john mccain was that he always seemed to work better with those across the aisle rather then in his own party. not me. i don’t want to work with them. they do not share my values. i am a proud conservative. i am also republican for a real reason — not simply because my parents were. this election was not a sea change. we are still a country right of center.

yes we’re americans but i make no apologies for my conservative beliefs. i am also not going to soften them, quiet them, or re-think them.

conservatives are not going to disappear into the quiet of the night.

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  • chi says:

    Right on Kate!!
    dont step on my conservative values and dont put this great country at risk!
    conservatism will only get stronger now, time to regroup!

  • BikerDan says:

    Zoey well said. I am not going down the road to appeasement. McCain though a patriot has made his political career that. We are stronger because of this defeat.

  • spooooky says:

    LMAO helllloooooooooooo! Has anyone told you that you have already been defeated? Geez. You right wingers need to stop marrying your first cousins. You people are really stupid.

    Start practicing now. Come on say it. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

    Music to my liberal ears!!!!

  • chi says:

    awwww geez spooooky…..my first cousin is so hawt, lay off that!

  • kate says:

    lol chi!

    oh spooooooooooooooooky knock it off. you know as well as i do that mo is going to be a horrible f.l. she just doesn’t have the temperment to be kind, sweet, loving, comforting, yet a smart, determined ambassador — basically velvet and steel. um, thats not mo!

    not too mention she has horrible taste in clothers. egads.

  • Kate, You can add the destruction of a multi-solution energy policy and taxing our pre-tax 401K plans to your opposition list.

    Spooooky, you obviously spell your own name worse than any redneck relative I’ve married. Even Bubba knows his name has only three B’s. Geez. People who gloat are obviously unpolished and ill-bred. So maybe you should think about hooking up with a cousin, since you haven’t inherited any dignity or decency in your existing gene pool.

  • Clay Bowler says:

    McCain’s speech insulted me. I don’t blame his supporters for booing everytime he tried to pass Obama off as a good guy. He ran against Obama and his policies and then he says he will help him. If he is willing to help him, then did he really oppose everything he ran against? If Obama wasn’t so liberal and McCain wasn’t such a moderate weenie, I may not have had an issue with his speech. I don’t buy this idea that McCain continues to tell us that Obama is a decent guy. Decent guys don’t sit in churches that preach hate for twenty years. McCain should have attacked Obama on Jeremiah Wright. Now we have to live with Obama because McCain wasn’t a fighter. Obama doesn’t represent my values, and I am not sacrificing my values for a divisive man like Obama. I throw up in my mouth everytime I try to say pppp pppprrr pppprrreesss. I can’t do it! I’ll stick with Chairman Obama, the American socialist.

  • Clay Bowler says:

    One more thing. Why do these libs tell us that we need to come together with them. For eight years, with the exception of a few short weeks one September, they never once thought about the division they were responsible for and what it was doing to the country. I don’t think the last eight years have been as bad as they make them out to be. The only reoccuring thing that was bad was the constant attempt to trip George W. Bush up at whatever expense to the country and the men and women serving our county in order to gain poltical power. We will soon see how that power they gain corrupts and destroys all that is left and is good.

  • chi says:

    Clay….well said!

  • jeniryan says:

    Oh and kate, don’t forget about the “forced volunteerism”… kinda an oxymoron, eh?

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