San Francisco Corruption Is The Real Stench

San Francisco Corruption Is The Real Stench

San Francisco Corruption Is The Real Stench

Something smells in San Francisco, and it’s not just the poop on the streets. The stench of corruption from the single-party control of the city by the Bay for years just keeps recycling itself back around.

This time, it is Mayor London Breed who is finding herself at the wrong end of the video camera, having to explain gifts that she had received from the now-indicted city public works director Mohammed Nuru. Nuru, who was arrested by the FBI on public corruption charges, is apparently Breed’s ex-boyfriend, whom she has remained close to for many years. She even accepted money last year for car repairs. The mayor was in front of San Francisco media yesterday, having to provide some kind of rationale for her actions.

Aside from discussing her friendship and how she felt shocked and betrayed by the charges, Breed also admitted that Nuru had taken care of some auto repairs for her in the last few months without charge.”

That drew a strong reaction from San Francisco Supervisor Gordon Mar.”

“Mayor Breed’s admission of thousands of dollars in unreported gifts from a subordinate is likely illegal, certainly unethical, and part of a culture of casual corruption that is eroding the faith of the public,” Mar said in a statement. “It must end. Given the seriousness of this admission, the direct connection to the central figure in the FBI’s investigation into public corruption, I believe we need to put the people of San Francisco first.”

“I believe Mayor Breed should do the right thing and temporarily step back from her duties until a full, independent investigation can be completed.”

Supervisor Matt Haney echoed similar sentiments, posting on Twitter, “Gifts from subordinates are not allowed. Period. It isn’t an issue of reporting.”

Breed has even written a Medium post, echoing much of what she said during her press conference, trying to acknowledge how close she was to Nuru and also shoving him away at the same time.

Even Mother Jones editor-in-chief Clara Jeffrey is fed up with the circular nature of San Francisco corruption.

We all know how Willie Brown sees himself as a kingmaker within San Francisco (*coughcough* Kamala Harris *coughcough*), and thanks to it being a one-party town, there is no real counterbalance to the continuing DEMOCRAT cycle of corruption.

Mayor Breed is likely hoping that by disclosing the previous romantic relationship (which seems to have been an open secret) and the cash gifts (which was definitely NOT an open secret), she can separate herself from the obvious poo-storm that is headed toward Nuru (who has now resigned from his position as San Francisco public works director). But this is San Francisco, after all. How much do you want to bet that these corruption charges have merely scratched the surface of what lies beneath, and what will surely rise again?

Clara Jeffery called San Francisco “insular and incestuous” when describing this situation. It seems that she has it accurately pegged. Breed was virtually unopposed in her election last fall. Now, she’s been exposed as being tied up in the same corrupt web as so many other San Francisco politicians, while the homeless take a crap all over the city and nothing improves for the residents, except by citizen initative.

There is no good reason that San Francisco should stay a poop-filled sewer of humanity, except for the apathy of the residents and the corruption of the politicians. And it’s looking more and more likely that it will stay that way for the long term, in the name of progressive Democrat politics.

Featured image via Pixabay, cropped, Pixabay license

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  • Scott says:

    Surprisingly enough, Mother Jones reporter makes some good points (though not surprisingly, leaves out the fact that every corrupt scum she mentions is a democrat…)

  • Charles N. Steele says:

    That guy in the last video was awesome. I so appreciate his confidence and insistence on saying what needs be said rather than get into debate with his detractors. I imagine his detractors went into shock.

    It will take sane, principled, determined people to fix the sewer the left has created.

  • Truthto Power says:

    Your parting shot referring to “poop filled sewer of humanity” seem to ignore the fact that the moderates & conservatives elected Breed, NOT progressives. Prior to Breed, we had Mayor Farrell and prior to him, there was Mayor Lee. Not one ounce of progressive politics there—even when you combine all three. So take your trumpian “s***hole” type comments and heap them on the moderates and republicans who fought hard for the current Mayor and her predecessors. Can’t lay this trash fire on the doorsteps of progressives. Nice try though.

    • Bill Dumanch says:

      “Dirty Harry”

      You WERE warned, though.

      Nice try, though…

    • Scott says:

      Funny thing troll, not one of the clowns you mention is a Republican… Obviously, for you, anyone to the right of Stalin is a moderate, and to the right of Castro is a conservative, but just because you’re perspective is horribly skewed doesn’t mean there’s the slightest hint of truth in your comments, just more delusion and projection from the left…

  • Scott says:

    Funny thing troll, not one of the clowns you mention is a Republican… Obviously, for you, anyone to the right of Stalin is a moderate, and to the right of Castro is a conservative, but just because you’re perspective is horribly skewed doesn’t mean there’s the slightest hint of truth in your comments, just more delusion and projection from the left…

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