Salon: Parents Should Shut Up, Deliver Kids to State

Salon: Parents Should Shut Up, Deliver Kids to State

Salon: Parents Should Shut Up, Deliver Kids to State

As the saying goes, you catch flack when you’re over target. Disney execs boast about secret queer agendas, teachers boast on social media how they will defy parents and, now, that bastion of inane Leftwing propaganda, Salon states parental rights are harming kids.

Across the country, students are struggling to regain a sense of normalcy as they cope with the loss and emotional hardship of the pandemic. This is especially true in Florida and Texas, where there are severe teacher shortages and underfunded public school systems, we parents are concerned for our children’s well-being and futures.

We? we? Who is this “we” that the co-authors, Jane Gray and Jaime Jara, portray themselves as representative of parents everywhere? Was there an election the rest of us missed?

According to their Salon bios, Gray describes first about herself as mother of three children who are cisgender and Jara as mother of a transgender daughter. Both are involved in academia.

Explains a lot now, doesn’t it?

These two moms, steeped in the jargon of Left Lysenkoism and racialist pedagogy, pen a short rant that takes gaslighting to new levels. Never mind that parents themselves had a front row seat via Zoom of their children’s classrooms during the Wuhan virus lockdowns and grew, rightfully, alarmed. No, none of those parents showing up at school boards demanding to know why their kids are being racially targeted or sexually harassed actually exist (pace AG Garland’s siccing the FBI on parents), or girls and their families trying to save girls’ sports, this is all a great big conspiracy of (cue the screaming horses) RETHUGLICAN POLITICIANS!

In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed the extremist “Don’t Say Gay” bill into law, barring teachers from discussing any LGBTQ+ topics or people in school and encouraging parents to sue teachers who do. They’ve also introduced another bill that would give the state government license to ban books from schools without considering the opinions of all parents. Meanwhile in Texas, Governor Abbott is targeting LGBTQ+ children and families under the guise of a ‘parental bill of rights,’ that will censor books that represent the true diversity of families and kids’ identities. As two parents–one with a transgender daughter in Florida, and one with three cisgender children in Texas–we’re all too familiar with these political shenanigans and the harmful impact they have on all young people, regardless of their gender identities.

Yes, I know how you feel, dear reader. I shouted liars! at the screen so loud I startled the cats. These women aren’t serious, they are dangerous.

The anti-grooming bill signed by Gov. DeSantis is supported by not just the majority of Floridians, but majorities across all demographics:

But what we see in response to parents who don’t want their 5-8 year olds instructed in sexuality, we get this from teachers:

I could fill page after page of grade-school teachers who have no issues posting to social media their outrage that they can’t teach sex to pre-pubescent children and keep it secret from their parents. There is absolutely no reason for any teacher to talk about their personal life to a captive audience of young children or instruct them on cult-pronouns or ever bring up the transcult in the classroom. Don’t even start on using bullying as an excuse. Kids get bullied for all manner of reasons and it all should be dealt with evenly. A teacher can easily enforce the Golden Rule in the classroom without recruiting Susy-the-tomboy into calling herself John and having a transgender closet in the classroom so she can keep her new identity secret from her parents.

I’ve discussed before how the transcult activists are profoundly misogynist and we’ve seen, via Lia Thomas, the absurdity of demanding males be allowed to compete in female sports. Parents are rightfully alarmed and, as their representatives, bills liked Florida’s anti-grooming legislation are not the result of “extremist politicians” as TRAs Gray and Jara claim.

And you can treat their claim about laws that ban historically-accurate discussions about race and civil rights in schools, and advancing other policies that erase and stigmatize kids of color similarly. Can we all say equine excrement? Yes, yes we can. CRT isn’t about history or civil rights, but about racist pedagogy. Whether the illiberal Left labels it CRT or DEI or Emotional Social Learning, et al, it boils down to indoctrinating children into a collectivist mindset that eschews individuals and their rights. Everything, everything unique about a person takes second, third or more place to group-melanin identity. And in the case of oppressor children, none of their individuality counts. They can never escape their original sin of pallor.

But to Salon, how dare parents oppose that! Oppressor children should be expected to be barred from certain activities and punished more for breaking school rules than their oppressed classmates because … because … well, because someone somewhere who looks like them may have done something wrong. It’s only fair, right?

This is the kind of anti-American affront to Judeo-Christian principles that must be countered immediately and forcefully. From parents demanding accountability from school boards to political representatives taking strong stewardship of taxpayer-funded institutions, we must resist O’Brien Committee members like Salon’s authors.

Dear Ms’s Gray and Jara, Orwell’s 1984 is not a how-to manual and yes, despite your mendaciousness, there are only FOUR fingers.

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!

featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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  • RAH says:

    Reading this, I got curious about the term trans femm as her spouse. I bet that her spouse has a penis and that is the way for them to have heterosexual relationship yet be accepted in the fashionable transgender community.

  • EdwdLny says:

    All of those who self identify as child abusers, that is exactly what they are, should be removed from their positions and permanently banned from ever teaching any child ever again. These people are evil, vile, and an explicit danger to children

  • Linda S Fox says:

    She is, like many in the Woke community, overly dramatic about her ‘pain’.
    You notice that the “Meet the teacher” bio is for the PARENTS. The adults who might appreciate knowing, as THEY can best introduce the subject with THEIR children.
    Just like vegetarians/animal rights activists might like to know if their kid’s new teacher is a hunter.
    They can delicately explain that, although that is not something the family believes in, it doesn’t make her/him a bad person. That they will be expected to be respectful of that teacher, and not ask intrusive questions. That they should bring any concerns directly to the parents.
    One important lesson for K-3 kids is to learn what HAS to be talked about, and what can be left out of public discussion. Like information about Uncle Harold’s drinking at Thanksgiving, or that some people walked out because Aunt Josie pointed out that Biden is a senile old man. Or how much money is earned by the adults. Or, whether someone spent the last two weeks in lock-up, because of unpaid parking tickets or child support.
    All of those are things better left unsaid in public.
    They should contrast that with things that should NOT be kept secret:
    – That someone makes you feel uncomfortable, or touches you in private places – no matter whether they promised not to tell, or who that person is.
    – That someone who is a kid, or who scares them, has a gun. Or hits a family member.
    – That someone was cruel to an animal. Or drove recklessly. Or hurt someone who can’t fight back (a kid, an old person, a disabled person). This is part of an ongoing discussion designed to raise their moral understanding.
    Serious, and possibly dangerous things. Not, “You MIS-gendered me!”
    If the kid isn’t sure which category the thing falls into, ask the parents – NOT a teacher.

    • GWB says:

      She is, like many in the Woke community, overly dramatic about her ‘pain’.
      Because Progressive hedonism is all about emotional satisfaction and validation of one’s self.

      If the kid isn’t sure which category the thing falls into, ask the parents – NOT a teacher.
      This violates another Progressive doctrine – that ‘experts‘ should run things. Teachers have an education and a license to teach, therefore they are ‘experts’. Parents are amateurs and should not, therefore, be trusted.
      Of course, looking at teachers today, they certainly don’t seem to know as much as me about children, raising them, nor the subject matter. And that describes almost everyone that was in our homeschool co-op, from the people on the verge of starvation to the well-off dual-engineer families.

  • GWB says:

    As the saying goes, you catch flack when you’re over target.
    OK, I officially hate this phrase. It is so not true. You catch flack when you’re over A target – it doesn’t have to be the right one. As a pilot and air war history buff, I just feel the need to get that out there.

    the harmful impact they have on all young people, regardless of their gender identities
    Pure projection.

    There is absolutely no reason for any teacher to talk about their personal life to a captive audience of young children
    Oh, but there is! You see, these people are so weak in self-esteem they require continual validation of their perversion. It helps to mute their conscience. And who better to validate their perversion than little children, who are so accepting and can have their minds warped so easily?
    They may not be directly desiring to diddle your kids, but they sure want to groom them emotionally.

    she can keep her new identity secret from her parents
    Hmmmm, and why would that be necessary? Maybe because the new identity is a perversion?

    transcult activists
    Language improvement: trans cult activists. ‘Transcult’ or ‘trans-cult’ would mean “across cults”, not “cult of the trans weirdos”. Lets not insult all those other cults by including them in this charade, Darleen. 😉

    a collectivist mindset that eschews individuals and their rights
    Because their religion requires collectivism. And, the countering religion (Christianity) promotes some measure of individualism – and therefore stands in the way.

    Everything, everything unique about a person takes second, third or more place to group-melanin identity.
    I disagree a little. Their sexual identity also takes top rung, sitting and snuggling up to race.

    there are only FOUR fingers.
    Oh no, dear, there are only TWO fingers. One from each hand.
    (As Sarah Hoyt likes to say, I have a matched set!)

  • Cameron says:

    I’m old enough to remember that our teachers never talked about their private lives and any queries from the podlings would not be answered beyond a gentle reminder that it wasn’t our business.

  • Bandit says:

    TG my kids are done with secondary school and away from these Pedo creepers. Lock them up and throw away the key.

  • Dan says:

    All this mess started with queer marriage and the destruction of standards. Once two hairy men could be married as husband and wife…anything goes. We can see what an ‘anything goes’ America looks like now. In an anything goes world there are no limits.

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