Salon: Blowhard Brian Karem Eulogizes America

Salon: Blowhard Brian Karem Eulogizes America

Salon: Blowhard Brian Karem Eulogizes America

As some of us wake up this glorious morning to thank God for another day of living in what is, undoubtedly still, the greatest country ever, we know this is not the case for many-especially those who pen missives for Salon.

In fact, there is a great multitude of individuals, who have been gifted with the same God-given ability to breathe another day in America, Home of the Free, Because of the Brave, who have died on the inside. They have died on the inside ethically, mentally, morally and spiritually. They have died, but they still think their intellectual prowess is to be envied by the minions who wake up to their morning coffee and even think to throw a nod of gratitude at God and to our great country this morning. I am convinced these “dead inside” zombies all write for Salon.

Brian Karem is a career, liberal “journalist”. He spent time in Pablo Escobar’s mansion, taunted Sarah Huckabee Sanders on multiple occasions, and brought Playboy, frat-party-style fights to the White House Garden:

Sophistication. Intellectualism. Hard-hitting “journalism”. It’s no wonder Salon picked up his latest, A Eulogy for the United States.

Now, there’s a lot to unpack here in Karem’s latest Salon ode to the death of America. His “eulogy” is mainly focused around SCOTUS’ July 1 decision but there is so much more between the lines that begs to be addressed here. We’ll kick off with this for starters:

Millions of us remain stuck at the first stage of grieving: shock and denial. But, just look at the corpse. Riddled with bullets from numerous mass shootings, overheated and bloated by climate change its leaders denied, it was ultimately brought to a near-death state by a combination of cancerous activities that made the body politic unable to function. Ultimately, and tragically the United States died of self-inflicted wounds.”-Brian Karem, Salon

Sure. Our city streets are riddled with bullets from numerous mass shootings by illegal criminals who have brought gang violence and drugs over our porous borders. The man who hung out in the King of Cocaine’s palatial prison does not make this obvious connection. Let’s not even factor illegal drug dealers and child trafficking that is occurring because of our border policies after the “racist, bigot” Donald Trump tried to keep them out. And, excuse me? Overheated and bloated by climate change? Let’s try overheated and bloated by inflation, taxes and more “green initiatives” instead. Moving on. Karem discusses how he thinks conservatives are “celebrating the death of America “as if the nation’s demise is Christ rising from his tomb and walking among us”. He blames the usual suspects: Nixon, Reagan and Trump, the “doctors of democratic death”.

I would like to throw a few other “doctors” in here. Dr. Anthony Fauci, where you at today? Paging, “Doctor” Jill Biden? You both should be flat-out ashamed of yourselves. Karem still continues to word vomit giving us his “objective, journalistic” version of history from WWI to 9/11. The terrorists, in a way, “had won”, according to the man who literally said the MAGA movement and Christianity were “greater threats to the United States than Hamas“; another vetted Salon piece.

The disease claimed our cognitive functions. Unable to connect, unable to take care of ourselves, our institutions couldn’t stand. In the final stages of the disease, the country withered – electing older men to the highest office while Congress and the judiciary retreated from the high water of progress to embrace Christian Nationalism. It was as if the country knew it was dying and was appealing to a higher power to save it because it was no longer capable of saving itself. Women lost the right to healthcare. Legislators demanded we teach the Ten Commandments in public schools – in a country that prided itself on the separation of church and state in order to avoid the centuries of strife that plagued Europe. The high tide of the American ideal was long gone. What remained was a walking, emaciated corpse.”-Brian Karem, Salon.

I would venture to argue that it was the 2020 disease claimed cognitive functions, Mr. Karem. From 2020 on, we have arrived at the juncture that men can be women and women can be men and this was “science”. Our kids have come back to schools that were locked down for over a year not knowing how to read or math but somehow knowing they were the opposite gender of the one that belonged to them at birth. They continue to be depressed, confused, unmotivated, scared (they still walk around masked-up) and seemingly unable to interact with anyone who possesses an alternate opinion of those that were rammed down their throats from media muppets like you and others on social media during lockdowns.

And, that’s just some of our kids.

We, as grown adults, were unable to connect because we were told we would “kill grandma” if we did. As a result, our elderly parents became fearful of any interaction and sat captive, in their homes, watching bobblehead blowhards, like you, tell them to stay scared and us to stay TF away. Some of our loved ones died of loneliness. We were unable to take care of ourselves and our loved ones appropriately because hospitals shuttered and no longer were taking patients needing critical treatment for other illnesses and ailments during COVID. Our institutions, our businesses, our infrastructure, was brought down because, instead of listening to an older man in office who called BS on the establishment and their lame attempt at “democracy”, some Americans elected an even older man, void of any substance and mental cognition to office. Women did not lose the right to “healthcare”, they lost the ability to be irresponsible, accountable and kill innocent CHILDREN in certain states with late-term abortions. And, just as legislators “demanded” we put the Ten Commandments in schools, those on the other side demanded we hang pride/progress flags in Kindergarten classrooms in place of our Stars and Stripes and abolish the Pledge of Allegiance altogether.

So, here we are. The walking dead, according to Brian Karem. These people are so deluded they don’t even realize that they were/are the ones responsible for the hot mess we have. We may look like a broken-down pile of crap because we do have a broken-down pile of crap at the helm. THE DEMOCRATS elected this smelly, pile of dung. Of course, the flies are going to circle…

The United States is dead. Long live the United States.”-Brian Karem, Salon

Which is it, Brian?

Mourn away, Mr. Karem. We will still rejoice. Because, you see, for some of us, we choose life. We will always choose life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness over utter misery. To the rest of you pretentious “justice warriors” who cannot feel this on this Independence Day because of the sheer oppressive forces overwhelming you in this country of ours? Go on and feel free to show yourself the door. Don’t let it hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.

Photo Credit: Ondrejk, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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1 Comment
  • Cameron says:

    It seems to be a tradition that every single holiday in this county has to be shit on by a reporter.

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