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We warned you last week that the Left never sleeps. Not even winter can cool the hysterics of these thieves, charlatans and wokeistanians of ill-repute being brought to the 2021 year-end party.
Not to mention her bigoted views about citizens who dare to live outside the glitterati sections of New York or Los Angeles.
What #JoeManchin, who represents a population smaller than Brooklyn, has done to the rest of America, who wants to move forward, not backward, like his state, is horrible. He sold us out. He wants us all to be just like his state, West Virginia. Poor, illiterate and strung out.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) December 20, 2021
And she offered a non-apology apology on the order of a wife-beater who says “I’m sorry I broke your nose, but you made me SO MAD.”
We’d say shut up and sing but we’d just like Bathhouse Betty to just close the piehole and go away.
Megan McArdle once blogged as a center-right libertarian and proud defender of American principles. As a token, ostensible righty for The Washington Post, some of those principles have gone by the wayside.
I share fears that the GOP will break US democracy. Nonetheless the left focuses too much on that risk and too little on the real possibility that the exodus of working class voters continues, and the GOP locks Dems out of power by the simple expedient of winning majorities.
— Megan McArdle (@asymmetricinfo) December 20, 2021
A WaPo paycheck and OrangeManBad proved too much for her to maintain an actual character.
The fraudulent Biden administration has ginned up a cheerful winter’s message of Death! Suffering! if you haven’t gotten jabbed for the Chinese Communist Party virus.
White House Tells Unvaccinated "You Are Looking At A Winter Of Death"
— Will Not Comply Witt (@thewillwitt) December 20, 2021
Add to that the usual authoritarians are out to use Omicron to shut down the free flow of information and all speech that doesn’t conform with the Approved Narrative.
With the rapid spread of the new Omicron variant comes the spread of another deadly social disease: misinformation. (snip)
Yet Covid is only one of the planetary threats that misinformation compounds. Misinformation itself is an existential threat because it impedes action on virtually every global problem.
Ooooo!! Existential threat!! Engaging in WrongThought is like … like … Pearl Harbor or the Cuban Missle Crisis, right? So what ever should we do about it?
Which has led us to this conclusion: we need an Intergovernmental Panel for the Information Environment (IPIE), and we need it now.
See? It’s no longer about that terrible thing called free speech it’s about a so-called Information Environment and only the Best and Brightest should be allowed to play in it.
As Ace points out:
We need to talk about this issue seriously: We now have a regime in which anyone who acts as a useful political actor for the Democrat Party — even a criminal one, as in the case of James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Clapper, or John Brennan — is 100% guaranteed a high paying job on CNN or MSNBC.
The media is a serious corrupting force and they’re increasingly brazen about it. They might as well straight-up make the promise: Help the Democrat Party win an election and we’ll give you a $200,000 contributor contract.
And these are exactly the kind of people who will be empowered to manage the Information Environment.
It’s gonna be a long winter with these villains on the loose. Lay in an extra cord of wood and gear up for the 2022 election cycle. The Leftwing douchery (and cheating) will be epic.
featured image original artwork for Victory Girls by Darleen Click
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