While Americans have been watching the devastation that’s happening in Ukraine, the January 6 Select Committee has been busy at work. On February 23, the committee issued a subpoena to a Republican National Committee vendor for information about their fundraising. However, on Wednesday the RNC announced their plans to fire back with a lawsuit.
Salesforce, a vendor and customer relationship management group, holds sensitive information about the RNC’s fundraising apparatus. As a result, it also holds the personal information about many of the group’s supporters.
But the January 6 committee doesn’t care about violating anyone’s privacy. In fact, they say that the subpoena has “nothing to do with getting the private information of voters or donors.”
Right. And butter doesn’t melt in your mouth, either.
Instead, Tim Mulvey, spokesman for the committee, says that the subpoena will “help investigators understand the impact of false, inflammatory messages in the weeks before January 6th, the flow of funds, and whether contributions were actually directed to the purpose indicated.” They claim the RNC, aided by Salesforce, were able to solicit contributions through President Trump’s claims of fraud during the 2020 Presidential election. So the committee wants all email data from Election Day, 2020, through January 6, 2021.
But the RNC told the committee to take their little subpoena and pound sand. Calling this inquiry a “fishing expedition,” they said it would give Democrats “an all-access pass to confidential RNC political strategies and the personal information of millions of its supporters.” The RNC also says that this subpoena violates the First and Fourth Amendments as well.
“The RNC and its millions of supporters face an unprecedented threat that will undoubtedly chill their First Amendment rights and expose the RNC’s supporters to reprisals and harassment.”
The RNC also hopes to draw out the legal process through the November, 2022, midterms. Should Republicans take back the House, the issue will become moot.
Also on Wednesday, former Trump adviser Stephen Miller filed a lawsuit against the January 6 committee who also wanted — surprise! — his phone records. The committee insisted that Miller played a part in Trump’s messaging at the January 6 rally when Trump encouraged his followers to “fight like hell.” The committee wrote:
“You and your team prepared former President Trump’s remarks for the rally on the Ellipse on Jan. 6, you were at the White House that day, and you were with Trump when he spoke at the ‘Stop the Steal’ rally.”
Stephen Miller. Gage Skidmore/wikimedia commons/CC BY-SA 3.0.
But Miller’s legal team argued that the phone account isn’t his alone. In fact, a California real estate firm, Carron Drive Apartments, owns the T-Mobile subscription. On top of that, it’s part of a family plan which includes Stephen Miller’s parents and their children, including Miller. The complaint also notes:
“Because Mr. Miller’s phone number is included with other numbers assigned by T-Mobile to the Family Plan Account … it is possible that T-Mobile may respond to the Subpoena by producing data for other numbers assigned to the Family Plan Account.”
And, the committee didn’t bother the clarify that they only wanted Miller’s records. It’s yet another example of the January 6 committee ignoring privacy rights.
Meanwhile, former White House press secretary and communications director Stephanie Grisham threw her former boss, President Trump, under the bus.
Appearing on “The View” on Wednesday, Grisham told Joy Behar that she hopes the January 6 committee’s charges can reach Trump. But she added that “he seems to get away with everything.”
She also told the panel that she was so, so sorry she ever worked for him. And like Hitler’s armaments minister Albert Speer at the Nuremberg trials, she said didn’t know anything! She had no idea about what would happen on January 6. Then when pressed by Sunny Hostin as to why she never left the White House, Grisham claimed that she wanted to believe in Trump. After all, half the country believed in him!
Besides, she’s a single mom who needed the gig — and who would hire her after she left?
Spare me the “single mom” tears. Stephanie Grisham has a net worth of $5 million. She’s hardly a woman who relies on employment as a grocery store cashier to feed her children.
I don’t know about you, but I find it reprehensible that Grisham turned on her former boss, especially after he gave her the employment opportunity of a lifetime from which she also made a lot of money.
The Republican National Committee, Salesforce, and Miller join a long list of targets of the January 6 committee. Donald Trump is, of course, the big tuna they want to land, but other names include White House officials such as Mike Pence, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and adviser Peter Navarro. They also want information from Reps. Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, and Scott Perry. Even Alex Jones and Sean Hannity are in their crosshairs, as well as Ivanka Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle, the fiancée of Donald Trump, Jr.
The overall goal of the January 6 committee, of course, is nothing more than retribution to make sure “Donald Trump, Republicans, and Insurrection” remain in the public’s mind through the November midterms. But no one cares anymore. America is more concerned about how they’re going to afford gasoline and food since Joe Biden has turned the economy to crap. And then there’s Vladimir Putin, Ukraine, and international instability.
Donald Trump and the so-called “insurrection” are among the last concerns for the average American.
Featured image: weisspaarz.com/flicker/cropped/CC BY-SA 2.0.
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My answer would be:
1) You do NOT have police power under the Constitution. Take your subpoena and insert it into your fundament, next to your brain.
2) It’s a violation of my 1st Amendment rights in several regards. Take your subpoena and shove it.
3) It’s a violation of the 4th Amendment rights to privacy. You have no constitutional authority to request this info. Shove your subpoena where the sun never shines.
4) It’s a violation of my 5th Amendment rights. Take your subpoena and… well, you get the idea.
5) This is all a witch hunt, and you should, at a minimum, be run out of town on a rail for it. And you should have your subpoenas shoved up the contact point that rides said rail.
6) Your totalitarian religion is worse by far than the one it replaced. I think you should be tied to a post and a fire lit under you using your subpoenas for tinder. Then shoved up your backside while still lit.
You folks are really just begging to fertilize the Tree of Liberty.
(Why no, I’m not in a good mood. Why do you ask? /points to Progressives running the place/ )