RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel – Why?

RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel – Why?

RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel – Why?

What in the name of Ronald Reagan is Donald Trump doing with his continued support of Ronna Romney McDaniel? That’s the question everyone wants to know. For some, it’s a more important issue than rage tweets and occasionally inappropriate public rants. Look what he’s up against. We can understand rage tweets and public rants, look what he is fighting! But Romney McDaniel? It’s a mystery.

Ronna Romney McDaniel has served as the Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee since early 2017 and feckless from Day One. One of her first acts was to tell Congress to build the Wall that Trump had promised us or else the Republican base would bolt. Because they are all Spineless Chickens and were afraid they would get caught up in the Trump Russia Collusion kerfuffle, the House Republicans sucked their thumbs and whimpered for their mommies. That was six years ago, every election cycle since then has been a massacre. The base didn’t bolt, we had no boltholes.

Those of us who are political junkies have watched this in confusion. Stephen Kruiser of PJ Media laid it out clear as can be with, “Ultra MAGAs: Let’s Talk About Trump’s Brain-Dead Support of Ronna McDaniel”. From the article:

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel has been, put mildly, absolutely horrible in the role that she’s occupied since 2017. She’s presided over three trainwreck (for the GOP) elections, including last year’s Red Trickle collapse. If she were working in the private sector, security would have escorted her out of the building years ago.
Politics aren’t governed by normal rules, however, especially in Washington. People routinely fail upward. It happens a lot more with the Democrats, but the Republicans aren’t strangers to letting some useless people hang around. Once anyone is firmly ensconced inside the Beltway, the uniparty stink is hard to get rid of.

Ronna has a reliable Uniparty name. The name Romney is synonymous “lose, smile and rake in the money”. Uncle Mitt Romney has paved the way in the Uniparty. More from the article:

There was no good case to be made for McDaniel being elected to another term as RNC chair after last year’s pathetic midterm elections. Heck, she shouldn’t have even been allowed to run. That the old guard Washington GOP types (I call them “Harumph Republicans”) wanted to keep things the same wasn’t surprising. The status quo is practically a sexual fetish for them. The real head-scratcher was that Donald Trump thought she should have another go at it.
Fourth time’s a charm, maybe?

Stephen Kruiser calls them “Harumph Republicans”. I call them “Toffee-nosed Republicans”. Which is how I think of Mitt and Romney and Mitch McConnell. They don’t get their hands dirty while they head back to the Club House for Martunis, extra dry with three olives. We had a couple of great alternative candidate Harmeet Dhillon, the fearless attorney:

Amen. We are tired of losing. We see where we are going. An all of the above approach to messaging and voting was voiced by Scott Presler, The Persistence. Scott has been reaching out to Ronna for about 120 days now. He works hard on the all of the above approach. The GOP Chair will send him a mass mailer but won’t reach out to him in person:

And, Scott is ready to work hard:

Great guy, too. A real warrior. Wouldn’t you love to see him as GOP Chair. A little more from the Kruiser article:

The Donald Trump I liked had that outsider swagger that rubbed so many Establishment Republicans the wrong way. I would like to see that Trump back in the White House. Endorsing McDaniel felt really Swampy though. It didn’t inspire great confidence that Trump would return to Washington ready to overhaul the dysfunctional GOP. It felt like he’d become rather chummy with the Establishment.

Yeah, what he said! What’s the story, Mr. Trump? What’s the mystery? Why Ronna? I mean, Mitt is her Uncle, for crying out loud. Enquiring minds want to know.

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • Mad Celt says:

    Politics is incestuous.

  • Yeah-Me-Neither says:


    Lawyers know that if cases conclude, the money stops. Therefore, they reason, cases should proceed forever. We should have “process” more than “solutions.”

    The GOP does not really want to win. They want to keep the money flowing and, therefore, they keep losing, whilst complaining indignantly, thereby keeping the money coming in.

    Do not contribute one 10cent piece to those people. They do not deserve your money.

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