Republicans Subpoena Alejandro Mayorkas Regarding “CHNV”

Republicans Subpoena Alejandro Mayorkas Regarding “CHNV”

Republicans Subpoena Alejandro Mayorkas Regarding “CHNV”

Bet y’all have never heard of the immigration scheme program. It’s called the “CHNV parole program”, and it has been in place since January 6, 2023. The program is under the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service Division of the Department of Homeland Security and is specific to the countries of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Now, seven and a half months into the program, the House Republicans have subpoenaed Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. This will not go well Mayorkas is proud of his globalist views and is offended at being questioned by our elected Representatives.

We have a broken immigration system, no doubt. It is schemes like this that make it brokener (I know it’s not right, but it fits.). If I could rewrite immigration laws, we would vett people for jobs that we need to fill, next we would look to those already educated for professions, and finally Constitutional values. We would not have any open border and yes, I would put alligators and crocodiles in the Rio Grande River Valley. We would also have gun turrets and trebuchets on the border. Mayorkas keeps telling us the border is secure, and if there are problems, it’s Donald Trump’s fault.

What, you are asking, is the deal with this CHNV scheme? So glad you asked. According to The Hill:

Modeled after the Uniting for Ukraine program that allowed those fleeing the war torn country to temporarily reside in the U.S., the Biden administration has been allowing up to 30,000 citizens from the four countries to enter each month.
In seeking information about the program, the committee in April cast it as an effort “that assists large swathes of illegal aliens into the interior of the United States. DHS has repeatedly reached far beyond its Congressionally authorized statutory authority to choose the groups it prefers to grant entry into the United States.”
The Biden administration announced in October of last year it would no longer allow Venezuelans to seek asylum at the border, subjecting them to the now-defunct Title 42 removal process.
That decision was made alongside another to allow Venezuelans to apply for parole if they could secure a financial sponsor in the U.S. — something out of reach for many. The program was later expanded in January to include the three other countries, targeting the nationalities most frequently apprehended at the border.

Just because they are most frequently apprehended does not mean that we want them in our country. Sorry, I had a moment of cognitive dissonance there. I forgot that the Bidenites are not on our side.

The CHNV types are super lucky because Catholic Charities Refugee and Immigration Services has put out a series of videos to walk them through this very special application system. Here is the first one featuring Barb Graham, the program director for the Milwaukee office:

She should go live in one of those shithole countries and make it better so the folks don’t have to come here. More from The Hill:

House Republicans on Monday subpoenaed Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, seeking information about a program that allows citizens of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to enter the U.S. on a temporary basis.
The House Homeland Security Committee in April sought a suite of documents on the “CHNV parole program” including all communications about its establishment and a breakdown of data related to applicants.


On Monday, committee Chairman Mark Green (R-Tenn.) said the requests “remain unsatisfied and are now 102 days delinquent.”
The request comes as Green and the committee have begun work on a report that could serve as the basis for a possible impeachment of Mayorkas, pledging to turn it over to the House Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over such matters.

DHS said Monday they have turned over the bulk of what the committee asked for.
“DHS has provided substantial materials in response to the Homeland Security Committee’s request. The Department also communicated to the Committee that we will provide additional data as it becomes available. Instead of working with us, they have unnecessarily escalated to a subpoena,” DHS said in a statement.
“DHS will continue cooperating with Congressional oversight requests, all while faithfully working to protect our nation from terrorism and targeted violence, secure our borders, respond to natural disasters, defend against cyberattacks, and more.”

Poor babies. DHS has a lot on it’s plates. BTW, I love Mark Green. He is not my Congresscritter, but he’s great. Politician, physician and Army Major. Bless his heart, in a good way. Here is the letter Green sent to Mayorkas:

But, Bennie Thompson, the ranking member is a bit cross:

The subpoena also spurred a response from the panel’s top Democrat, who backed the department and said the majority broke committee rules by failing to inform them.
“It is absurd that extreme MAGA Republicans running our Committee have subpoenaed the Department while the Department has been working with them to get them what they need and has been producing and transmitting requested data. Not only is the Republican request outside the Committee’s legislative jurisdiction, the majority broke the Committee’s rules – which they, themselves, wrote – by not informing us accordingly,” ranking member Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) said in a statement.
“This subpoena is just another misstep in their baseless and politicized effort to impeach Secretary Mayorkas.”

I have zero faith that any Democrat will ever be held to account, and this is yet another strongly worded letter, but at least Mayorkas is being tortured with it.

Featured Image: World Travel and Tourism Council/ Commons

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