Red Sea Attacks, The Houthis Are Still Not Terrorists

Red Sea Attacks, The Houthis Are Still Not Terrorists

Red Sea Attacks, The Houthis Are Still Not Terrorists

By now, you’re probably ahead of the game in comparison to our president if you’ve heard about what happened in the Red Sea region yesterday.

Yes, I know, old Joe’s got to wake up, drink his prune juice, eat his Cream of Wheat and take his vitamins before he tackles this one. Thankfully, he has an adoring media that helps spin the narrative because he is going to need it. Bigly.

According to this from The Associated Press (AP), “Ballistics missiles fired by Yemen’s Houthi rebels struck three commercial ships Sunday in the Red Sea, while a U.S. warship, the USS Carney shot down three drones in self-defense during the assault, the U.S. military said. The Iranian-backed Houthis claimed two of the attacks”.

A delicate situation for sure. The U.S. needs to tiptoe even though the Houthis claimed this attack. Even though one of the Houthis’ missiles almost hit our ship. With our people on board. Sounds like an attack to me but hey, I’m just an armchair Admiral here.

These attacks represent a direct threat to international commerce and maritime security. They have jeopardized the lives of international crews representing multiple countries around the world.

We also have every reason to believe that these attacks, while launched by the Houthis in Yemen, are fully enabled by Iran.”-U.S. Central Command Statement

I know what you’re thinking, because some of us are thinking the same thing.

This from Houthi military spokesman Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree:

The Yemeni armed forces continue to prevent Israeli ships from navigating the Red Sea (and Gulf of Aden) until the Israeli aggression against our steadfast brothers in the Gaza Strip stops.

The Yemeni armed forces renew their warning to all Israeli ships or those associated with Israelis that they will become a legitimate target if they violate what is stated in this statement.”-Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree

Israeli aggression? What happened on October 7th, again? But we Americans “can’t retaliate too much”. Have to “tread lightly” on this one because this could be a sticky situation. After all, no one is certain that our warship was targeted. Bad place at a bad time? We just shot down a few drones hovering over our ship, no biggie here. No reason to jump to conclusions that the Houthis out of Yemen wouldn’t bomb us, too. The Houthis were just targeting trade coming in and out of Israel. They had no intentions in coming at usus

…or did they?

Still, we will wait for Biden to say the “D” word: DON’T.

But, they DID.

This wasn’t the first incident in the Red Sea over the past few months:

In November, the Houthis seized a vehicle transport ship also linked to Israel in the Red Sea off Yemen. The rebels still hold the vessel near the port city of Hodeida. Missiles also landed near another U.S. warship last week after it assisted a vessel linked to Israel that had briefly been seized by gunmen. Separately, a container ship owned by an Israeli billionaire recently came under attack by a suspected Iranian drone in the Indian Ocean.”-Jon Gambrell, AP News

As we journey back in the Time Machine to February 2021, Joe Biden, in a desperate attempt to undo everything Trump did, removed the Houthis from the Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist lists, in order to prevent a “humanitarian crisis”, as the story went.

Umm…humanitarian crisis? Look around now, folks

Then, a year later, the wishy-washy old nimrod realized in 2022 that taking the Houthis off the list was possibly a mistake after drone and missile attacks claimed by the group on the United Arab Emirates.

Well, duh. Biden has since. done nothing. He only mused over this after eating his liver and onions dinner and his a cup of desert Jell-O.

As we grab our morning coffee and get ready for our Monday, we wonder if the shell of a man sitting in The White House will comment on all of this when he finally comes-to. We wonder if he will realize that “don’t” is just not a powerful enough deterrent. (DON’T bet on this.) We wonder how many media outlets will trip over themselves to talk about Biden’s approach and how “he is not getting the credit he deserves on his foreign policy”. The “credit he deserves” for telling terrorists “don’t” is “swift, decisive and overwhelming”? So “decisive”, the old knucklehead cannot decide between thinking the Houthis are harmless little buggers and re-designating them as a terrorist group again?

The media will push aside the inconvenient truths about why these tensions have escalated. If only Israel “stops the genocide”, or something. If only this ended, we would not have this problem. For now, we live another day. This wasn’t the first time an attack came from Yemen. Sad to say, it probably won’t be the last.

Photo Credit: screenshot from NASA’s globe software World Wind via Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

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  • GWB says:

    These attacks represent a direct threat to international commerce and maritime security.
    Which, in a less Progressive time, would be acts of war. In that time, we would simply assemble a Navy/Marine contingent and go in and wipe them out. Then, in a really more intelligent time, we would go sink every Iranian ship and boat in existence. And probably blow up a bunch of infrastructure near the shore (relatively speaking). But, “fighting is baaaaaad.” Pfft. Idiots.

    they will become a legitimate target
    No, they are never legitimate targets. Unless, of course, you’re declaring yourself in alliance with the aggressors in the war. And stupidly bringing in other nations. Because, see (again, in a more rational, less Progressive time), this is how you join a war and get stomped out of existence, because your leader had too big of a mouth.

    After all, no one is certain that our warship was targeted.
    Except, of course, for them stating they did exactly that. We are ruled by dunces. At best.

    The wishy-washy old nimrod realized
    And you’re making a terrible mistake if you think a rational modern Prog president would be doing anything differently. The cabal running our executive branch has this sort of thing as their intent. Their goal is to break down all of the west so they can impose global Progressivism and usher in their single, peaceful world.

    • GWB says:

      The wishy-washy old nimrod
      And I think we can tell who developed their vocabulary (at least partially) by watching Loony Tunes growing up. 😉

    • Scott says:

      “In that time, we would simply assemble a Navy/Marine contingent and go in and wipe them out. Then, in a really more intelligent time, we would go sink every Iranian ship and boat in existence. “… As it should be! I seem to recall a line in a song… something about “to the shores of Tripoli”.. seems it might be applicable here…

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