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May 11, 2016
The beat goes on. In my write-up last week post Trump victory in Indiana, I mentioned liberalism running amok in our public schools and universities. The Federal Government has yet done it again. “Diversity” signs were not enough. The “Welcoming School” sign is also not enough to encourage this form of tolerance. We now have a rainbow badge.
Introducing the “OUT for Safe Schools” badge. The badge is designed to be worn by teachers and administrators alike to inform any and all that they are allies of the LGBTQ community within their school and will not tolerate bullying of any kind against any students who identify as a member of this community. The reason for these badges?
Since its launch, OUT for Safe Schools has enriched the lives of both students and staff members in the Los Angeles Unified School District. I have worn mine every day—there is nothing I am more proud to wear. applaud my district for stepping up to the plate and keeping all of our schools a safer space. “No child should ever be bullied, taunted or harassed simply because they’re different.”-Los Angeles Unified School District Board President, Steve Zimmer
I have nothing against the LGBTQ community. I have nothing against a child who is either convicted (or confused) about his or her sexuality at an early age. What I do take issue with is the statement that because these particular students are different, they will receive further support than your average, every day Jane or John on the playground. Bullying them is an issue. All the while, bullying the little white girl or boy on the playground is an every day occurrence. I will admit I was the girl who would come home with chunks of hair missing from my head from a girl who would just decide she wanted to pull my hair out or take a few swings at me for no apparent reason. Teachers and administrators looked away then and sadly, some look away now.
The OUT program has expanded to schools in New York, Chicago, Boston, Oakland, San Diego, San Francisco, Duval County, Florida and Washington, D.C., 2.5 million students in grades K-12.
We, as a society, go to great lengths to not offend. We jump through hoops to let people know of our “tolerance”, our love of “diversity”. Some use these buzz words abundantly and believe that they will see the unicorns puke up rainbows in this lifetime. We are told to pay special attention to certain kids and as a result, others who are getting kicked in the teeth on the schoolyard fall by the wayside until they go off to college. When (and if) they go to college, they are told that they are “privileged” and that they should feel sorry for that “privilege”. More bullying…but this time, it’s also from the faculty. Enter more bullying coming in the form of other students on campus, especially when one student does not agree with the popular “tolerant” opinion.
“Despite increased public acceptance of LGBT people in general, many school campuses remain toxic environments for LGBT students, contributing to higher rates of suicide, depression, homelessness and HIV infection.”- Los Angeles LGBT Center CEO Lorri L. Jean
As parents, we are responsible for providing a safe shelter and space for our children to grow and when necessary, a healthy dose of reality. Despite any anti-bullying campaign provided by our federal government in our schools, bullying is still alive and well and will be until the end of time because some kids are inherently mean and some kids also have jerks for parents. Case in point-parents can be jerks:
There may be less knock-down, drag-out fights on the playground than there were when we were growing up but kids are creative and have resorted more psychological means of tearing other kids down. School campuses can be “toxic” to students of all different backgrounds. Suicide, depression, homelessness and HIV infection can be a negative outcome for any adult who was bullied on a constant basis as a child. Sometimes the difference lies within the home lives of these kids and what happens when they return from school. The SJWs have taken the home lives of these at-risk youth out of the equation. The SJWs have also taken the home lives of the instigators out of the equation. Face it, our job as parents is to teach our kids to not be little jerks. I may not agree with the LGBTQ lifestyle but I certainly would not condone my child making racist remarks or making fun of a transgendered child at his school and would provide the consequences should I find out that he was behind some sort of bullying campaign against this youth.
Bullying is diverse and all-inclusive but they’ve taken the diversity and all-inclusiveness out of the equation, too. Yep, money well-spent. A rainbow badge makes life so much better for these kiddos. Finally, someone is in their corner. A rainbow badge says “I will protect YOU and you alone” while every one else just has to fend for themselves. This is less about actually doing something about the bullying problem on school campuses and more about making a statement and Heaven forbid you disagree with it. If you do, you’re OUT. How’s that for all-inclusive, non-bullying?
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